Starry Messenger

1. Bernie Sanders tried to use his 5 minutes of wokeness in the 1960s before hightailing it to the whitest place on Earth all through the election. And when he wasn’t doing it his fans were falsely trying to lay claim that any white guy in glasses in a photo from any Civil rights march was really Sanders. And he

But it’s his job as someone campaigning for office to explain how his policies would specifically help whatever audience he’s addressing. That was the point of including the video of Bill Clinton during the presidential debate with H.W.

When Bernie was on the campaign trail, he gave the same stump speech over and over. He did minimal tailoring of his talks to suit different geographic locations and populations.

I saw him speak in 2014, when he was clearly working on his stump speech. The audience was lily white in a very, very diverse community in CA. Everyone was rapt but I had to leave early because I found him so distasteful.

Joy Reid had an epic tweet storm on this subject yesterday.

People make this argument, but I don’t find it persuasive or that it holds up. It relies heavily on the “get in line” form of policymaking where supposedly universal policy victories make inherent value judgments that don’t prioritize black women. Or they rely on a trickle down type of reasoning where black women

It’s amazing that they will do anything other than be introspective. They are going to learn another lesson when their white savior comes around and loses every state with large populations of Blacks and Latinos.

Right? Adding “white” to “working-class” and subdividing what could be a key demographic in a major political race tells me one thing.

You’re adorable.

The Tea Party revolution in the Republican Party showed us that a rabid, mobilized base could force the establishment away from the center in about a year. The Bernie Bros have shown none of that tenacity or willingness to get the party to move left. The DNC is in shambles right now, but the Bernie Bros would rather

Go fuck yourself. Hard.

I know we are not the first group of people to take a hurtful and negative word and make it our own, and through that ownership find solidarity and strength. But I would caution you to remember the origins of that word, the original meaning and intent behind it, and to have some empathy and sensitivity towards those

agree to everything. especially “go kick rocks.” i’m a fan of “go pound sand,” but i’m going to bring “go kick rocks” into my phrase rotation.

Here’s the thing that gets me about BernieBros. They don’t want to do the legwork. They have their fucking great white hope, and they act like they think he’s gonna wave a magic wand and make everything better. Bernie carried my county caucus by a slightly less than two to one margin. Democrats in my state (KS) showed

yeah I don’t know how someone like him, so on-point about how economic equality should look- is so damn obtuse about how economic equality is reached for the variety of demographics that he isn’t catering to. He seems to just not like the idea of ever straying from using his specific phraseology, as if replacing,

My “favorite” is how working-class people are somehow only white. Who’d a thunk it?!

Thanks for shining some light on this. I’ve long had respect for Sanders before he ran and I still do. But I and many other black women I’ve spoken with (especially young black women who were very excited by his candidacy) acknowledged many of the issues discussed here.

As the child of white, working-class voters, I am so fucking sick of hearing about white, working-class voters.

Thanks for the flashback. . . and for everything in this article. This article is EVERY SINGLE DANG THING I have been trying to tell my white progressive friends ever since Bernie’s candidacy collapsed into a pile of white tears. I will just say this, regarding Bill Clinton. He was a master politician. Handsome.