Starry Messenger

I did a presentation on the pay gap at my company last year and not even two slides into my presentation, I had a man interrupt and ask where I got all my data. It’s from the Department of Labor asshole, any more questions?

A woman on Twitter posted something (it was reposted through the Trump Regrets account, which I follow) about how she still earns less than her male counterparts and she thought he would fix it. I was thinking, “Why? At no point did he even give lip service to the wage gap. Why do you think he’d care?”

Nobody needs to bring their A-game to fuck with a woman who puts jade up her vagina. You don’t even have to bring your B-game to do that.

they’re not called “sea puppies”

Sea lion vs shark. Sea lion: 1, shark: 0

Agreed. This had the potential to be much, much worse. California sea lions dine of other sea creatures. They have big, sharp teeth and are powerful in the water. It could have gotten hold of her arm and dragged her to the bottom. Their bites are very dangerous and the potential for massive infection is very

Seriously, that was pretty classic territorial behaviour. This article is irresponsible and dangerous.

“The little girl situated herself on the edge of the dock and, soon after, the sea lion jumped out of the water, very near to her face. From the video, this seems like a playful move on the part of the sea lion...”

Totino’s will forever taste sweetly melancholy.

We should REQUIRE white supremacists and “Alt Roght” weasels to take them.

You can’t hand squeeze your own coffee seems to be a pretty significant difference.