a higher power

I enjoy her in some of her roles (especially Secretary and The Honorable Woman), but I would like to be far away from both of them.

TLDR: “Rich person has beautiful home”. Show me a tour of a one-bedroom apartment that someone has managed to keep organized and beautiful, while using Target and IKEA furniture. That’s information I can use.

As soon as someone started telling me that their interior design was based on the angst of an indie film I’m pulling the ol’ Abe Simpson exit.

But is it carved from a single tree trunk?

Kotaku has been crushing reviews lately. I tapped out of this series after Far Cry 4, didn’t play Primal or 5, and have no intention of playing this game. And yet I read this entire review. It pulled me in and made me think. I love the way it contextualized the series tropes through the game’s mechanics, story and

“breaking news — coverage of President Trump’s rally in Texas” Lol- “Wait...this just in. We’ve been told our Glorious Leader, President Trump, is hosting another of his illustrious patriotic rallies. We now go live to this historic event, where roughly 90,000 real Americans are packed into this building to hear the

Not holding my breath...

So... Are they going to ban the anchors that are white supremacists anytime soon? make sure that Hannity viewers weren’t exposed to this chapter of American history...

The ad was bought to air during Monday night’s edition of Sean Hannity’s primetime show through a local advertising buy on Charter Communication’s Spectrum service in Los Angeles, but was precluded by breaking news — coverage of President Trump’s a Nazi rally in Texas.

They were probably concerned about being flooded with calls asking when the next meeting would occur....

The Nazis movement in the U.S. was is a very real thing

Dude.  How much do you have to hate your sister to sell her out for some cash and a pat on the back from Trump?

This investigation was paid for by the school and the diocese....and they found no wrongdoing on the part of their students. I imagine just the same way the Catholic Church found nary a single orphan was abused by a single priest at their orphanages. 

It’s only important if you think investigations require impartiality.

They should have let something like the Southern Poverty Law Center or the ACLU choose an investigator.

For the low low price of several grand, you too can get hard hitting investigative techniques like:

The Catholic Church paid a Catholic investigator to investigate Catholics accused of bad behavior. They said everything was A-OK. Who could imagine such an outcome?!? It’s not like the Catholic church has ever covered up bad behavior by their members before...

Who paid Greater Cincinnati Investigations to do the investigation?  That’s kind of important information.  

via lasers...don’t forget the lasers.