a higher power

Is it wrong that I was hoping the agreement they had reached, was to have the CIA assassinate him, like they did with JFK?

And it all means nothing if the big fat Nazi crybaby in the White House doesn’t like it.

Trump has to wait for Fox News to tell him what to think.

She really is the fly in the ointment for here.

Can’t wait to find out on twitter to see if we have another shutdown.

How do YOU spell “anther”?

The question is if\when Trump stomps his widdle feet and shakes his widdle fists and refuses to sign off...will McConnell override him this time? Or is the GOP going to continue to punch themselves in their collective widdle dick?

Normally I don't nitpick spelling mistakes because shit happens, especially when you write a lot all day. But really? The first word? 

“The new deal will provide $1.37 billion in funding for “border barriers,”

He’s never going to sign it. He might say he will, but once the more rabid members of his base get done with him, he’ll veto it for sure. Not nearly enough money and not wall-y (WALL-E?) enough.

did ann coulter say it was okay?

Welfare = bad; because people need to be encouraged to work

I can’t watch this show, or any show with people sitting around yammering. It immediately sets my teeth on edge. ETA I sometimes put it on for the last few minutes before “Action News at Noon” in Philly comes on and even those few minutes is enough to spike my blood pressure.

Pretty sure that qualifies as a war crime.

Joy Behar would beat the shit out of Meghan in a bare-knuckle fight despite being 40 years older.

or a chubby lil illinois nazi duder

I can’t help thinking she looks more and more like Ursula from The Little Mermaid, just without the panache and gusto (and any other appealing or redeeming qualities, so basically an asshole witch).

The estate tax should be 100% for rich people.   If you disagree then you should be forced to listen to Meghan McCain talk about any topic.   You will see things my way in less than 10 minutes.  

McCain looks like she’s squeezing out an especially choice fart in that header photo. 

I’ll wager 400 quatloos on the redhead!