a higher power

What is so difficult about the pronunciation of her name? One of the many virtues of Spanish is that words are pronounced exactly as they’re spelled, and there are even accent marks to tip you off! Show a non-native speaker of English the common name of “McDonough” and ask them how they think it’s pronounced. Or for

They’re obsessed with her, yet they stumble over her name every single fucking time they try to say it. Stick to monosyllabic words instead, dimwits.

You know why conservatives and Republicans can never be comedians, because they always punch down and can't take a joke. Just pure garbage.

Sociopaths think that a lot of unfunny and inappropriate shit is funny.

Fox and trumpanzees’ obsession with her is super creepy

Of course they found it hilarious. They are fucking trash. Like we needed additional evidence to support that.

People who have no moral compass or any idea what the real struggle is like, literally let them eat cake mentality. 

Many she should have sold steaks or phony degrees instead.

Same down here in Florida. Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer affairs already flipped the lead. A mysterious THOUSANDS of votes in Broward just appeared to not have voted for Senator at all, despite voting all other races. They’re trying to blame a confusing ballot again, but I voted that fucking ballot and

With all of the fuckery, disenfranchisement, and straight up voter fraud perpetuated by Kemp, Stacey Arbams still managed to get this close in the current official tallies. There isn’t a doubt in my mind that she won that fucking election.

There isn’t a single line they won’t cross if they think they could get away with it. And since they keep getting away with it...

Jez should just provide a link for interested parties (no one) and otherwise save the space.

I’m just happy that Rubio, Trump and Ted Cruz are all friends again. I can rest easily tonight. 

I cannot be the only one . . .

They are doing what I really thought they wouldn’t... they are contesting election results. This can go two ways - they finish and whoever wins, wins or, much scarier, they finish counting and they keep denying it and fight it and somehow pull off some shit to steal it.

Pssst. Rubio. Scott. Spanky. The louder you guys yap about the Florida recount, the more guilty it makes you look. This has been a public service announcement.

Trump: Just out — in Arizona, SIGNATURES DON’T MATCH. Electoral corruption - Call for a new Election? We must protect our Democracy!

He meant he doesn’t know him biblically.

Well he sure seems nice. Definitely the sort of person I would think Floridians would want people across the country to look at and say “So that’s what people in the 1st District of Florida are like”.

I want to hang out with him because of G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra.