a higher power

Having a miscarriage in the state will be grounds for a criminal investigation. Nice, Alabama.

I’m just shocked by Florida. I thought Gillum had it.

Exactly. Sometimes your furthest left option is Joe Manchin.

Hopefully the lesson for everyone will be: different candidates do better within different demographics. And the lesson for the Democratic party and left-leaning voters will be: always support the most left-leaning major party candidate you can at all times.

Now this is a glimmer of hope.

And in other good news Evers is leading Walker 51 to 47 with 42% of the vote counted.

Thank fucking god.

I’d also add that people would do well to pursue the more esoteric main quests that lead you to some more fantastical places (and enemies) and that end with one of the wildest “what the fudge” moments in any AC game ever.

Sorry, I meant sidestep the dissonance. It’s already been a key part of the three reviews I’ve read/listened to. Honestly the game is in a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation. By pointing out that the core mechanic—the raiding of tombs—is problematic, you either have to stick the landing, or just ignore it

Why didn’t you call me Stephen?

They could have sidestepped the gameplay/narrative friction by having Lara move into photography or videography or something. In a world of famous vloggers and a zillion Netflix travel shows and documentaries, she could easily and believably go from raiding to documenting.

They wanted her to get dirty, but, like, sexy dirty.

She’s an Indiana Jones style archaeologist. You’re thinking of the real-life, boring, not-video-game-worthy archaeology. Please don’t act surprised that this isn’t a dig simulator. 

I’m loving the idea of distinct difficulty sliders for different aspects of the game. I have almost zero interest in the full blown, weapons-free combat portions of the game. More to the point, I lack the time to deal with it. I hate playing on Easy as a point of pride, but this might be a nice compromise and a

i love how her hair stays all clean and shiny while she’s apparently covered in mud most of the game.

If archaeologists in movies and games are basically glorified grave robbers, should not locals in movies and games treat archaeologists as such?

Jungle gym

This one’s better. More nooks and crannies to explore, more tombs, more environmental variety and a new crafting system that rewards scavenging and exploration. I thought the reboot was ok but was very impressed with this one. As I said in my write-up, it scratches some of that Metroid itch in terms of how it handles

I play a lot of games, but can’t get to everything. Other Kotaku staffers played this game for review and follow-up coverage, so I felt okay skipping it. I reviewed Uncharted 4 and figured that checked off the same boxes and that there wasn’t a need to go back. But then the PS4 version came out this fall and I decided