a higher power

I wonder if Sekiro was made in response to Nioh. I tried Nioh, but it didn’t take, so I’m very eager to see this spin on a From game.

I swear to, well, me, that the NPCs are programmed to step in front of my galloping horse at the last minute. Reminds me of aggressive, pushy drivers in GTAV, who would merge in front of me and cause a fender bender.

Seems kind of cruel for developers to enact such a toll on the hands of their players. We will keep buying games until we die of old age, and it would be great if they'd consider ergonomics when we spend 50-100+ hours in a game world.

I think people in your position are in a very unique situation. We’re playing RDR2, and filling in some gaps from RDR as we go.

Well, I certainly said no such thing.

I just had some of this tonight and it was heavenly

My (gay) boyfriend is from Mexico, and travels the country for work. He works with lots of dumb MAGAts, in very remote places, filled with other dumb, hateful MAGAts. You bet he carries a gun.

Hey, I think I sucked that guy's dick.

Please shut up

The tree idea sounds incredible, honestly. What else does one do with a placenta, other than consuming it?

Goddamn it. This judge is an idiot.

It... doesn’t seem that uncomfortable? It’s very matter-of-fact. It’s hard to read any emotion, let alone discomfort.

His smug underbite grin makes me want to punch his mouth.

Your post is too short. Please extend to essay length.

Except the people who were purged from the registration, like my boyfriend. We're still disappointed and angry about that.

If this goes well, I can see them using it as a test to see what the audience looks like for these games. 

Some of those campaign missions in WC2 are too lengthy, one of them took me like 2 hours almost. The AI cheats like hell. But it's still a lot of fun, all these years later.

You’re not entirely wrong, but there are at least 3 expansions that are incredible. And the original 2004 WoW story wasn't bad at all, I have very good memories of that time.

Fucking Lyft, upstaging Uber at every turn.

It’s Libby. Expect nothing else.