a higher power

Gita, I have to be careful around your coverage. Every Sims post makes me want to abandon all other games and reinstall Sims 4. I still have a loud neighbor to murder in the City Living expansion.

His fear gives me hope.

This is sick. Wishing safety to all the other Ferguson activists.

The still image before the header gif loads looks just like Mitch McConnell.

The big assumption, post-Infinity War, was that Steve will sacrifice himself, and Bucky would likely take up the mantle of Captain (with Falcon donning it here and there) in the movies. I'm wondering how this will affect that.

Y’all are a mess. No wonder the site is dying.

Wohl deserves worse, he needs to be punched right in his mealy, ugly, hate-mongering mouth.

Jack Dorsey is a garbage human.

Rob, be real. It doesn’t matter that the show is good for four episodes, at this point. The show is so late in its lifecycle, and has shed so many of its original viewers. Who even cares, anymore?

To be fair and not an asshole, it's very possible to get a great impression of a game from letsplays.

I was going to say, phones have been this way for a long time. My ancient Motorola Atrix was like this.

My angle was more “how is this our business”, which I admit, is rather shortsighted, what with gossip being Jez’s MO.

What a pointless story. How is this newsworthy?

It looks incredibly painful.


This is a pretty toxic facet of the gay community. You're not funny.

On the other hand, it can’t be comfortable to squish larger boobs into thin metal armor.

I was indecisive about which of the two to pick, but after playing each one for the first hour, I went with Alexios. The voice acting is of similar quality. And how else would I get to play out my bisexual (male) Greek fantasies, that I didn't even know I had until now?

My goodness, this is impressive. I thought the header image was a screenshot.

Best case scenario, how do you see future governments dealing with this? I wonder if they would go so far as to cordon off/isolate their respective parts of the internet.