a higher power

Can you link the story or whatever? Interested in the legal outcome.

Totally have to disagree here. It’s part of the through-line of futility. All the lessons we see John teach Jack (admittedly very briefly) tie into this. It’s the final gut-punch in a bitter ending.

This guy is a raging nut who can't handle any kind of disagreement without aggression.

Girl you are MAD 😂

Yeah but I clearly got under your skin, and I also reported you, my hateful bro.

Y’all are killing me, but the truth is, the head mold was a little misshapen when I made him. It happens sometimes. You try mass-producing humans, and see if you come out of it 100% error-free.


What a pointless observation.

This was weeks ago? I don't care anymore, weirdo.

Ugh Penny Dreadful. That still hurts. And Showtime tried to say they planned it to end there the entire time, despite the announcement being practically right after the “final” episode. Who does that? And they were even introducing new characters and storylines. Such bullshit.

True. Not once did they mention the highly suspect visit to Moscow by six congresspeople on July Fucking Fourth.

Looking forward to your continued coverage of this. Scary if it’s real, scary if it’s fake.

He's so ugly. Inside and out. I really fucked up here.

Are any of those things certain? Nope.

You can bet this will happen!

Everyone keeps saying this. GOP doesn’t care.

I really fucking hate this trend. I get it, but dammit, I don’t want to keep forking over money to enjoy the nicer/newer version of the same product. It’s why I don’t see myself getting a PS4 Pro or Xbox One X. I’m sure Horizon Zero Dawn and Spider-Man would look even more fantastic, but I don’t feel like forking over

Mouth cancer. That way his ability to speak goes first. We all win.

“Science Kinja” used to be io9. I have no idea what they’re doing over there now, aside from pushing hot takes.

MJ was one of the highlights of this game. She doesn’t harass Pete about being late to things, because this MJ is an adult who accepted Peter for who he is, long before the game starts. It’s definitely had an impact on her in a way that she’s not happy with (thus the state of their relationship), but she doesn’t just