a higher power

Death by a thousand cuts.

I’m afraid to look... Would this happen to be on YouTube?

are u a baby seal from Warcraft II

I’m not as cynical as most of the commentariat, and I really hope this is a positive sign for election security. While security isn’t being handled very well by the stooges in Congress, I’m glad that the DNC seems to be taking care of it themselves instead of throwing their hands up helplessly.

Ideally, when things get enough traction, movie studios and game developers pay attention and acknowledge it somehow. I’d like to think that was at least part of the attempt.

While it was crass, let's not all get up in arms about Madonna being Madonna. I mean it's even right there in the name.

This is exactly the way I used to describe Sherlock.

George, I’ve read your stuff since the halcyon days of io9 and it’s always so interesting. But the commentariat has always been egregiously hard on you and I’ve never understood it. Glad you’re still around to provide a taste of familiarity on an increasingly unrecognizable site.

One thing on which I think we can all agree: nobody is tantalized by the prospect of the pee tape.

I really wonder about Splinter sometimes. They did not post one. single. article. about the congressmen visiting Moscow on July 4th.

Thank you, I laughed when I saw Curry's wife looking on again.

Dude. Fuck this hopeless shit. Sorry you’re in despair, but his doesn’t help, it only hurts. Keep it to yourself and do your best to vote and encourage others to do the same.

More about no. 2 please??

This is how we got Kanye+Trump

He sounds just like every Russian Twitter and Disqus bot I’ve had the displeasure of coming across.

Girl. What y’all don’t think about is that I’m livin’ through this too.

Look I'm doing my best

Indeed, hypocrisy and gaslighting are their bread and butter.

Maybe the potato sack one from Westworld

Thank our Univision overlords, they're pushing hard for video content