
You’re getting a lot of shit for this, but thank you. I’m so sick of people acting like the only woman to ever run in the general election is simultaneously an evil mastermind who rigged the primary AND completely incompetent. Okay, a lot of the arguments against her are more complicated than “she’s a lady! Ew!” but

.Perhaps because they remembered that even though Berniebros bring up that law at every possible opportunity, they always forget to mention that Bernie voted for it. He’s every bit as complicit as Hillary is.

What about white women and black men who remember Hillary Clinton’s insistence on mandatory minimum sentences


Actually, plenty of us did ask for something like Verrit, to combat the preferred false narratives about 2016 pushed the media’s white male supremacist status quo. It is vital that white male Hillary-haters in the media and press, of which they are many, not be allowed to rewrite the history of the 2016 election to

Why are US police so violent towards everybody? Are they afraid? Insecure? Misogynists? Wannabe-army? What’s wrong with them? The police in the UK would never handle a sober, non-aggressive, non-violent suspect in this manner, let alone another member of an emergency service. In the UK this would be big news, and

I’ll stick to the weekend do-whatever-the-fuck-I-want

Yes, this directly competes to your Miata in every possible aspect. Hell, it may kill off the Miata. Enjoy it while you can. You should be terrified by the performance and appeal of the Hyundai Elantra GT.

I have already commented on some replies below, here’s some background:

What sank these women wasn’t their memories, unless you actually believe that they “forgot” some pretty crucial details like giving a handjob to their alleged assailant or repeatedly pursuing a romantic relationship with their assailant. What sank them as witnesses was their withholding that information from the

“unless they waited until about five minutes before she took the stand to meet with her for the very first time”

A lot of people seem to be blaming the Crown here, without having seen the Judge’s decision.

It actually doesn’t and the defense lawyer in this very case even commented to the media that it didn’t matter. Any expert witness will come in and testify that this is common behavior in victims as they try to normalize the assault/rationalize it away. Per Ghomeshi's lawyer:

Having read the entire 26 page decision it wasn’t their memory on trial. It was their attempts to withhold information and colluding with each other than made the judge decide they were not credible witnesses and there was reasonable doubt. For those that didn’t follow the trial I suggest you read the verdict.

While I see your point isn’t there a risk in allowing inconsistencies and omissions when the witness account is literally the only evidence? If you’re accused of something and the accuser cannot keep their story straight but the jury is told inability to keep their story straight is further evidence the crime took

Post-incident conduct — that term has come to haunt me. When I was concerned about emails with Jian, they were emails from before [the assault]. I wasn’t even thinking about after because I didn’t think it mattered — because it shouldn’t matter. Now I understand that it matters because it measures your memory. I

People on this site could read literally anything as evidence of rape. If one person says “I didn’t do it” and the other says “you did” how are you supposed to tell who is telling the truth except by seeing who’s story makes the most sense? The women’s story in this case was riddled with holes, but Jezebel has to

I mean, I understand how people can be sexually assaulted/raped by someone they know and “compartmentalize” it, then continue on as if nothing happened somewhat. But to not think comments/actions made like this = “I didn’t know my memory was on trial” is a bit troubling. Absent audio or video, THAT’S exactly what’s on

She lies so much she’s even lying after the trial about when she talked to the police. There is no way the police never told her that her statement was under oath and could be used.

These women have let everyone down by lying under oath. And that fuck goes free.

Are you kidding? Your telling me that you go to the police, make a statement in the hopes that your alleged rapist will be charged and eventually go to court, and you didn’t realize your statement would be used in said course?