
Racism is *not* an issue in the real world. Nobody gives a shit what color you are as long as you don’t talk like an asshole and you pull your pants up. Truth.

Holy shit the author is such a crybaby. We’re talking about a game where you run around *killing* other players and you shitflakes are upset about name calling? The devs should just add a snowflake mode that hides the scary bad words from you (akin to the hearts in profanity on Steam). idiots will actually believe anything Huffington Post tells you...

Only stupid fucks actually believe that MAGA is attached to racism and hatred. And that makes you a *supremely* stupid fuck. I love my country and I want the president to succeed **even though I didn’t vote for him**.

Such a stupid fucking comment. There is nothing racist or hateful about wanting to make America great again. Get the CNN and HuffPost cock out of your stupid mouth.

Trump is a blowhard clown and I do not agree with a great deal of what he says and does. But you’re a stupid fuck if you believe in the rhetoric about racism and gay hating nonsense.

You are a fucking moron. 

What a stupid *stupid* fucking thing to say. By saying Republicans are unreasonable you are, in effect, saying that roughly half of the country is unreasonable. You stupid fuck.

Do you even understand the Net Neutrality “issue” or are you just hopping on the “let’s hate this guy” bandwagon?

DOS 5.0 and 6.22 were the jam

No, cartridges supposedly have unique IDs as well so if someone rips a cartridge and shares its dump then it would get blacklisted.

Only three of those are Nintendo exclusives. Because the Switch is being marketed as a portable gaming system and since most people don’t have mobile hotspots...yeah...nobody will give a shit if they can’t play online.

Especially when they move OVER the text I’m trying to read. wtf??

I still care. The unwanted video is still using my paid bandwidth.

What a worthless setting. There are multiple sites that I visit to *read* content and I want video playing on none of them. How can I make a list of sites to never play videos then?


The “rules” were bullshit bureaucratic nonsense established to stand up an unstable system. So. The. Fuck. What.

I’d rather be considered a piece of shit by a shithead who doesn’t understand math than not understand math.

There always has to be that jackass trying to turn this into some political issue.

You have it backwards...angels DO fill out the rebates. Think of a better way to get guaranteed correct contact/lead information.