
I can count on no fingers the number of times I’ve purchased something from an ad on the internet.

They *didn’t* screw up. The men asked to use the restroom and were denied because they hadn’t bought anything. And then they refused to leave when asked and refused to leave when the cops showed up. This has jack shit to do with race, despite what the shithead author of this article says.

Dear Michael Harriot, YOU ARE A FUCKING DUMBASS. I stopped reading after your first bullshit paragraph. You race baiting cocksucker shithead.

Because of course you have to try to find *something* wrong with Fred Rogers. This site is fucking dogshit.

The author of this article sounds like he’d generally be a “barnacle”. There is *absolutely* nothing wrong with demanding high quality work from employees. Ugh, what a moron.

How about instead of muting these videos *they just don’t autoplay to begin with*.

Why is this Heather guy’s picture on the article on

Just like people who get the flu shot.

The flu shot is a vaccine for a very specific strain of the flu and there is *no* way to know what strain will be fucking people up in a given year.

The people closest to me at work who got the flu in 2018 were coincidentally the ones who got the shot. Not saying they got the flu from the shot, saying it didn’t do shit to stop it.

Never. I’ve had the flu twice in my 40ish years. The shot is just nonsense.

Show some double blind tests where it’s proven to be effective or shut the fuck up about the flu shot.

Fuck that shit. It *might* make your symptoms less severe *IF* the vaccine that year *happens* to be similar enough to what they predicted months earlier while they were concocting it. It’s a fucking joke and it’s not an actual vaccine like the shit that stops Measles or Polio. So please...pretty please...stahp with

...and S8 owners can use both. For the record, fuck the S8 with its stupid Bixby button.

Samsung phones have had that display for years.

You say “copy the iPhone” but there really are only so many ways to design a phone or to unlock a phone or to shape a phone.

Apple fanboi much? Also, there was never anything “hip” about that stupid notch to begin with.

“C” is not the same as “P”.

Was riding right along with you until you said that Trayvon/Tamir bullshit.

I refuse *I refuse* to believe anyone is this stupid....right? You don’t actually believe that nonsense you posted.