
I'm sorry, but this episode was terrible. I forgot how much better this show became once Cat Grant left.

Sorry, but I didn't like this episode at all.

I don't mind Dinah being much of a cipher still. After all, she's only been around for what - 9 episodes so far? She's still learning to open up to the team, even if she does trust them, after three years of being on the run after several years of being an undercover cop who couldn't unload on anyone - not even her

Yeah. I think the message about Kara and Maggie having different, equal valid approaches to crime-fighting might have seemed more valid if…

They could charge him with hacking their transponder at least. They said they caught him in the act!

What's awesome - and marked the change - is that Oliver and Diggle both acknowledged their hypocrisy while maintaining that their points remain valid.

Yeah. I could give two shits about Rene getting his daughter back. What little we've seen of his past life and life now leads me to believe he is 100% right about his daughter being better off without him, spilled soup or no.

The newspaper when Barry went to the future said it was February 3rd, 2024. Just a little under three months before he's supposed to disappear during The Crisis according to the April 25, 2024 newspaper from the pilot episode.

To spin off of that "be against killing thing…"

I know. My favorite was last Ollie saying that the last thing Laurel would want was a successor who was killing people in her name.

I'm sorry, but the "Sara has a darkness in her but Laurel had a light" concept was total bullshit when it was introduced in Arrow Season Three in an effort to justify Laurel becoming Black Canary and it's total bullshit now.

Well, the comic was well written by the show's writers and it did allow them to give closure to some subplots that couldn't be continued on the show. Presumably they did that for Helena since it looked like the actress wouldn't be available after Season 2.

The Superfriend's base was The Hall of Justice.

They did bring her back in the Arrow: Season 2,5 comic, which is canon to the show.

HALL of Doom.

I cited that episode as an influence in my episode guide entry for this episode.

So the notoriously paranoid and Machiavellian Lex Luthor sealed his arsenals of weapons capable of hurting Superman inside of a number of subterranean bunkers with biometric locks…

I can tolerate that since it was also a bit of a nod to 1776. (" Not everybody's from Boston, John!")

That bothered me too. Sure, Sara might not have much of a classical education but you'd think she'd have some up with a cover identity for herself before going out on an infiltration mission!

I'd put this episode at a C. And that's purely because the ensemble manage to make the half-assed script work more often than not. Plus the scenes with shrunken Ray were a nice nod to the old Gil Kane/Gardner Fox Atom comics.