
He trained her for part of one year. Up until the raid on Nanda Parbat at the end of Season 3, Ollie was quite vocal about not wanting Laurel in his business and considering her not worth the time to train before he left to join The League.

As much as I love Caity Lotz and Sara's character, is anyone else concerned that Sara's sex-life is playing into stereotypes that all lesbians or bisexuals are promiscuous? (Yes, I know Sara was officially described as bi, but she hasn't been with a man since Ollie in Season 2 of Arrow)

Oliver: "I don't have time to time-travel."
Nate: "But, with a time machine, you have all the time in the world!"
Oliver: "Okay. I just really don't want to get involved. Happy now?"

Dinah Drake Lance is a college professor in the Arrow reality. How much that pays varies by campus but Laurel and Sara clearly ran in the same rich brat pack as Tommy and Ollie, so I think the rich girl label still applies, despite her father being blue-collar.

We never saw them training together. Laurel just introduced her to the wonders of fries in milkshakes. Which is disgusting and one more example of why Laurel is horrible.

Yeah. Her character was also more firmly based on Dinah in the comics in terms of training, personality and backstory.

> The only real exception here is Laurel, with Oliver’s implication being, perhaps a tad unfairly, that it was that inexperience that ultimately got her killed.

Does getting continually rescued from random muggers by other, better trained vigilantes count?

I liked Tobias Church. He doesn't have a direct correlation to any character in the comics, but the general tone and the performance reminded me of the sort of characters Sidney Greenstreet used to specialize in playing - the jovial crimelord who speaks eloquently but will freaking end you if you question him.

I loved this episode, despite its flaws. I would like to have seen Ray and Jax get a little more time in May 2016 (we never did find out how/if Jax smoothed things over with his mom, or if his dad actually DID survive this time around) but I can forgive a lot to finally be free of Carter and Kendra.

Except Taiana in the flashbacks was absorbing the souls of people Oliver killed near her…

Guild Of Calamitous Intent Rules. You have an underground base, it has to be easily destroyed by having all the electronics in one room get trashed somehow.

And it would be semi-accurate to the comics!

Yeah. And I thought everyone feeling guilty about it was natural. My friends and I went through that years later when a friend of ours committed suicide and we all thought "if I had been there, if I'd talked to them more, etc.".

Well, there's some rumors that she was being difficult behind the scenes and that she wanted out of the show, but there's always rumors like that.

Oliver DID understand why Lance wanted to save Laurel. As he pointed out, he lost his father and his mother and Laurel.

Well, that's Barry in a nutshell - putting everyone before himself.

Or it could be that the cops were hesitating because "Uh - this dude just saved everyone and he's saved us all 10 times over in the past year."

Oh, no. Oliver's awful too. It's a continuing theme in the comics.

Hi. OP here. And Laurel DID try to kill people on her road to becoming Black Canary, even if she was never outright killing in costume.