
Or after Barry gets his powers back. Which we know WILL happen.

All that was missing was the dancing munchkins and the undertaker telling us she's not just merely dead - she's really most sincerely dead!

To be fair, they WERE cheating on Tommy together even before that. And they WERE pretty horrible people back then.

Well, the continuity with the tie-in comics has been crap for a while now. The Flash comic is even worse, with a story that depicts Snart and Rory not meeting until they were already adults and a multi-part King Shark epic that contradicts everything about the Earth 1 and Earth 2 versions of the character on the show.

She did start out trying to kill people though. Remember at the start of Season 3 when the only reason she didn't gun down Komodo is because Ollie isn't stupid enough to keep the guns in his gun cabinet loaded and Laurel was stupid enough to not check and make sure the gun was loaded before taking it?

Actually, I had an idea of Season Five opening with a fiery explosion in the corner of The Bunker, a smoldering John Constantine asking with a grin if they mind if he smokes and an explanation that he just escaped from the 7th circle… and guess who he happened to run into in the section for corrupt lawyers, before

Well, it's important to note that she was already cheating on Tommy and treating their relationship like it was nothing even before he died…

I do wish we'd gotten a chance to see Thea have a "I blame myself" speech. After all, if she'd killed Merlyn when she'd had the chance as he was stealing the idol, Darhk never would have gotten his powers back…

I dunno. I thought it was a fitting reminder of just how horrible a person Laurel was, lest we get any sense of rose-colored glasses in the wake of her death.

>I think we all have to just be nice and agree that Arrow and The Flash don’t run on precisely synced timelines, because otherwise—man, kind of the worst possible week to have Barry speed away from the funeral, huh?

The one thing that bothered me most about this episode is how Ray doesn't seem to feel at all conflicted about suddenly seeing the fiancee he lost to violence four years ago and is making out with Kendra in the hallway not two minutes after trying to comfort her. Granting there's not much he can do to save her, you'd

Neither of them were required to take them. As for Rip's not giving a damn about paradoxes all of a sudden, well… it makes sense.

Yeah. There were a lot of dancing Munchkin .GIFs on Twitter last night.

I think Cassidy has been unhappy in the role for a long time. And from what I've heard she hates doing fan events. A friend of mine said she was incredibly rude at Wizard World Austin. And she's canceled appearances at Dallas Comic Con twice, claiming she was needed for filming. Strangely enough Stephen Amell, John

Not where I was.

One final instance of Laurel being the worst person ever - forgetting the man who died to save her for the guy who cheated on her repeatedly. Forever cementing her as the co-dependent that most Black Canary fans from the comics HATED her being written as.

Yeah. You're in the minority.

Yeah. One thing that struck me about this episode was that we got two good scenes with Thea and Felicity and they were both good. I liked the chemistry between Willa and Emily. And then it hit me that I don't think the two of them have ever had a scene alone together and yet the friendship between the two seemed so

That was the case back in the Grell days. Ollie was surprisingly well read and his taste in movies ran to classics. Probably caught whatever was on the late, late show getting back from patrol.

Yeah. I'm pretty sure those scenes were a last ditch effort to remind of us when Laurel could talk to Ollie without being an emasculating harpy (i.e mid Season One) so that we'll actually feel sad when she dies.