
Am I alone in thinking that most of the humor in this episode was really forced and that the writers were trying too hard?

Because she was created by Andrew Kreisberg back when he was the writer on Green Arrow/Black Canary. So he gets a little extra on his paycheck every time she shows up.

I thought Underbieht got killed along with Fat Choice?

One thing I haven't seen anyone else comment on in all of the Ollie is an idiot for agreeing not to tell Felicity about his son/Felicity is a bitch for not forgiving him being in an impossible situation chatter. Namely, that Laurel continues to be the worst person ever.

Yeah. I thought it was weird that Thea - who has had her life screwed up more than any other character on the show by her loved ones lying to her in the name of protecting her - is all on-board with the "It's okay to lie to Felicity to protect your son." idea.

It's particularly ironic given that The Flash is based around multiple versions of the same character on the same show right now!

It's also the name of one of Marc Guggenheim's novels. A coincidence, I'm sure.

One major continuity error/Laurel screw-up I haven't seen any other reviewers but me note.


See, I thought the understated Toyman performance was more effective than a laughing madman ala Hamill's Trickster. And I love Hamill's Trickster.

The good news is they finally gave Winn some personality besides "comic relief techie". The bad news is that personality belongs to a "nice guy".

I'm trying to figure out why Ollie called his ex- Samantha when she's credited on IMDB as Sandra Hawke.

Crossover mandated re: fan-mandated.

Well, Iris was there for a bit. But it would be worse if there was no Iris. Because Iris actually does stuff and is good at her job.

I liked it. Really my only complaint was that they could have taken more time to develop Carter. But I think everything was balanced really well.

I dunno, but you really do need to start watching Arrow.

Anyone miss Laurel in this episode?

The snark was strong in Thea tonight. She also got to break the awkward silence after Cisco;s description of Kendra.and had the line about how Carter Hall has an odd definition of "saving".

Other things I wish we had seen…

The laws also vary vis a vis The Castle Doctrine (i.e. lethal force to protect against home invaders, armed or unarmed) and whether or not that applies to all private property.