
Or that Ollie straight up killed a guy.

This. Thea said she explained about the Lazarus Pit and blood lust to Sara and we didn't get to see that scene? Because why on Earth would we want to see the woman who came back from the dead confront her killer?

Am I the only one who noticed that this episode and the one before turned Kate Stewart into more of a trigger-happy hawk than her father ever was? She was introduced as helping to transition UNIT from a military organization to a scientific one. Yet here she is wanting to gas millions of innocents in the name of

Anyone else think the only reason Nyssa blames Laurel for what happened to Sara at the end is so the writers can pretend Laurel is actually important without having her actually do anything?

Actually, they are setting up another young man to become the other half of Firestorm. Sadly, the actor who played Jason Rusch isn't available or isn't interested, so they're going with a new pilot.

They had an assassin who had trained to masquerade as a club DJ. Clearly they can use modern technology when it suits them.

I think she did a story for something in that Women of Marvel month special a few years ago…

Damn it. Fixed.

I wasn't reading it then but it could be the same bloke.

That's not a sign of inconsistent writing. It's a sign of how bad newbie League of Assassins members are. Remember how one of them got taken out by one blow from Felicity?

This. For all the talk of Laurel and Quentin being so close, there was a lot more evidence that Sara and Quentin were closer. Of course that could just be because the chemistry between Caity Lotz and Paul Blackthorne was so much stronger than between Blackthorne and Cassidy.

Or Cheshire.

… how? He only felt the effect of it once and was off and away with no time to think about it.

I kept expecting them to kiss. Though that may have been wishful thinking since bisexuality would be one thing Laurel has in come with Dinah in the comics.

Yeah. She was having dinner with The Diggles a lot…

Another random thing that bothered me. Laurel has this nice new tool for taking people down from a distance because her hand-to-hand skills are lacking. And yet, she only uses it once while shooting at a friend who is engaged in melee combat.

Laurel: Nyssa is a good person! And last I checked protecting good people is what we do.
Diggle: No, protecting good people is what I do. You mostly lie to your dad, whine about everything and get your ass kicked by random muggers until one of us saves you.

One thing that bugged me about this episode out of many.

That moment was good. It would have been better if we had seen any sign of that friendship before now but I'll take it. Even if I was waiting for them to start making out because Katie Cassidy can't convey any emotion past annoyance and horniness.

No. This Damien is a villain from Devin Grayon's run on Titans from 15 years ago, who was the leader of the second version of HIVE.