
I'm sure it's just a coincidence all the best episodes this seasons are the ones that barely featured her.

Um… no.

You'd think she'd at least try shooting him first.

I'm sorry, but this review is wrong in one major respect. Laurel's confronting Ollie is not powerful. It is the worst moment of the episode because while it is high time someone called Ollie out on his habitual lying, Laurel is the last person in the world who has any right to give someone shit for lying to protect a

Actually, in the comic, Walter was involved in starting the plan for Ollie to take over Queen Consolidated that Ray Palmer shot down in the first episode of Season 3.

I choose to believe that the camera cut away before she fell to the ground and started lapping the hooch out of the mud like a dog.

Oh, like that was really that bad after he broke into his family's office building, and accessed some secure files using his own fingerprint as a login?

Yeah. Ollie collected the insurance on his mom's death.

Actually, they did answer the question re: Ollie funding his vigilante work in the Arrow: Season 2.5 comic. Moira had a massive life insurance policy with a large pay out promised in the case of sudden, violet death and Ollie and Thea were the beneficiaries.

1. It's subtle - but John is truly revolted when he finds the bodies of the girls As John notes later, he has seen evil…. but this… this disgusts him like nothing else. And the American Court system - cruel as it is to murderers and rapists of children - is not nearly as cruel as what Hell would do to the likes of

I never said Sara didn't have demons. But her breaking away from The League - by definition - was part of her trying to move past them, not indulge them.

Even though that was totally Laurel hallucinating.

My big sticking point was Felicity picking up the Idiot Ball while trying to comfort Laurel and completely slagging on Sara's memory as she talked about how Sara had this darkness and Laurel is the light and that Sara wore a mask to hide her demons… like Laurel's move to vigilantism wasn't inspired by her inner demons

I think most of the complaints do boil down to that in the end. Laurel doesn't feel like she's a part of the team. For most of Season 2, there was zero emotional investment in her except as an antagonist to Ollie or Sara.

I do. But I don't think Thea does. :)

This. I've said numerous times that Sara had much more potential for future stories than Laurel and that a redemption arc for Sara would be something unique and interesting.

Here's a question - why did Felicity have a lot of recordings of Sara's voice?

Yeah. Even Alfred wore a mask when he was driving Batman and Robin around on stakeouts.

The ol' Aunt May syndrome - I can't let them find out because the shock would kill them..

Because Thea will TOTALLY believe the ex-boyfriend who is talking smack about her dad. The dad the general public isn't supposed to know is alive…