A man, duh!

The moment I realized I have opinions on this is the moment I realized I’ve become far too invested in the lives of YouTubers.

In the top photo, he almost looks like hot mugshot guy.

I would like to take a moment to pay tribute to my father, Marine Corp Colonel Samuel Tillett for his courageous and near fatal actions, attempting to save as many lives as possible 15 years ago today in his position as head of security at The Pentagon. When the plane hit my father was not but a hundred feet from the

also a guy yells “THAT REALLY SUCKS, LADY!” at rose

Not even ranch dressing, ranch POWDER. Wtf.

half-fermented bezoar

Not that my personal opinion matters to you, but I normally really like your writing Jia and this just felt needlessly mean. Who the fuck cares if Britney isn’t some well-read English major who spent her college years reading Yeats or Joyce.