
Brown seems to be at least as interested in a career behind the camera as in front of it.

I mean, moms still exist, and presumably they still watch movies.

Ghost is a romance movie mashed with a murder mystery with some supernatural tagged on.  The scene at the end where the guy gets dragged to hell was chilling at the time.   If they really lean into the existential horror and the mystery angle they could really have something. 

Ghost: I don’t know for everyone else, but being born in 1988, Ghost was always only one thing to me: a mom movie. It was a genre mom liked, with a lead actor mom had a crush on, and a soundtrack mom had the cassette tape of. To this day, I’ve only ever seen the movie once or twice, with my mom. So remaking it seems

Interesting that the star of Groundhog Day has a role in a movie about time-traveling Kang. Where the hero wants to go back and relive his past.

I wonder if Sadie Sink will be the actual breakout movie star from Stranger Things. She’s been in tons of stuff the past year, where Millie Bobbie Brown seems to have mostly ended up in a Netflix niche (she’s apparently got a Netflix deal that is crazy lucrative).

I’ve been constantly impressed by Bautista’s range. I still think his best performance is in the opening of Blade Runner 2049 but I enjoy him in pretty much everything he’s in.”

Yeah, very much this. I was disappointed when that character wasn’t around for longer, because Bautista made him interesting. He’s made very

Bautista is a much better actor than Drax is allowed to be, if that makes sense.

No relation to Milk and Cheese, but possibly just as violent:

I think it’s very much as well the arrogance of “we don’t need to keep a close eye on these backwaters.”

It’s the potential subversives the Empire knows about that are getting the attention. The big blind spot of the Imperials is that they can’t possibly conceive of the idea of an insurgency growing out in the boonies.


It might be another reflection of the ISB’s arrogance, or it might very well be that they do have a spy network but the writers chose not to feature it this season.

wil wheaton needs to get the rights to tabletop back and have these 4 on for a warhammer session.  

The circus is gonna circus. If you take *all* the nonsense put out cynically, you’re going to end up in a downward spiral of believing nobody is genuine about anything, because they’re all offering vapid non-opinions for clicks & self-promotion.

I admit it’s hard not to see it this way these days, given all the

Were Cavill a very famous and beautiful female actor, you’re get two responses: those who’d cape for her like people in World of Warcraft used to cape for every player who they thought was an IRL girl...
And then you’d get folk who’d grill her about the depth of her knowledge, and complain about how she’s making

I think if you got him, Vin Diesel and Joe Manganiello together for a gaming session the universe would collapse due to the sheer mass of nerdy, burly handsomeness.

GW producer half way through a pitch for some low-rent garbage CGI series: Well shit.

Part of that has to do with the fact that Sci-Fi and Fantasy fandoms are packed to the gills with toxic gatekeeping nerds who regularly assault anyone who doesn’t pass the purity tests and most often anyone who even remotely looks good gets that treatment.

I believe he is genuine and probably one of the best spokespeople you could get, I just get a bad taste with the cirrus that follows.

Haha that’s fair, but at least Cavill is genuine about it. He reads the lore for Warhammer 40K so deeply he sees random patterns in stuff. I know people who were playing WoW with him prior to being Superman.

something about this whole schtick rubs me the wrong way though.