
This sort of thing happened during Saturn V testing, with the wrong engine shutting down after an issue. Subsequently the signaling cables were redesigned so that they were different lengths, meaning some cables couldn’t physically reach the wrong engine(s).

“A common mistake that people make when trying to design

Starlord being an obnoxious asshat is part of what makes him a fun character to watch. ;)

This is a bad thing? ;)

Side note: The national animal of Finland is the brown bear.

Sir is never used with the last name alone. But in this case... ;)


Indeed. A more accurate headline would include the word “electronic”. :)

Good call on the monitor, but “bigger is better”. 25" is just about the minimum. IMHO:

I love how this comment illustrates the difference between TV shows then and now. Back then you watched the show once a week, at a fixed time. And goshdarnit, you watched the crap episodes too. And no talking except during the commercial breaks because you can’t just rewind if you miss an important line.

I loved these as a kid. When I was 7-15 we’d travel to East Asia every couple of years, including stopovers in Bangkok, Singapore or Hong Kong. This was in the 70s and early 80s when going there was still pretty “exotic”. My dad would always get me a neat new watch, and one for himself.

Agreed 100%. Fancy PowerPoints don’t hurl stuff into orbit.

For starters, NASA is almost laughably bad at fielding a reliable and affordable vehicle for launch to low earth orbit.

The proposed Amur rocket does indeed look like F9. But it is much smaller. Less than half the payload.

I love going at off-peak times.

I was trying to make a point about the Chinese view being different to the Western view, and about the situation being far more complex than can be expressed in two words.

Absolutely fair. But I want it now! ;)

It was not my intent to make excuses for anything. I was commenting on the contrasts between a typical Western world view and a Chinese one.

Agreed. I’m just disappointed the DLC makers weren’t included in the process earlier. Lots of people would have been much more keen on the game from day one if they’d been able to get good DLC from day one. This would not have cut into sales to other users either.

No, that wasn’t what I meant.