
Man, I enjoyed Defying Gravity waaaay too much. :)

Did you watch it in the “correct” chronological order? This is a vast improvement over broadcast (episode number) order.

It is indeed offset. That’s why I mentioned that it is “in the planned position”. :)

Agreed. Living in small flats in Hong Kong for years, I’ve learned that there’s very little stuff you actually need to store. An old game console that I most likely will never use again does not make the cut. It just takes up space and will be thrown out during the next move.

Agreed. Living in small flats in Hong Kong for years, I’ve learned that there’s very little stuff you actually need

AFAIK neither SN6 nor SN7 will fly. They’ll be used for other testing.

Raptor is a full-flow, staged combustion engine, meaning all propellants end up in the combustion chamber. There is no pre-burner exhaust.

Given enough time, Mars and Moon colonies with a few million people would, if nothing else, be insurance against a massive asteroid strike. That seems reason enough.

Semantics perhaps, but I’d say Starhopper was the propulsion system testbed. AFAIK made the first flight of a methalox rocket in history.

My inner grammar pedant says it is Patty Jenkins’s, since Jenkins is a proper noun.

The cause seems obvious...

I really enjoyed season 1. If you’re even vaguely into the space race, you’d probably enjoy it.

I hadn’t heard that about Avast. I haven’t used it in years.

I hadn’t heard that about Avast. I haven’t used it in years.

If you require extra oxygen you can get it through a cannula or an oxygen mask. Neither of which precludes the use of a face mask. The extra oxygen doesn’t need to pass through the mask.

What serious respiratory conditions are we talking about? I have yet to read of any specific medical condition, apart from a severe rash, that precludes anyone from wearing a mask.

McAfee carefully straddles the line of user experience, effectiveness, price, and optimization. There’s an impressive feature set, too, with options like built-in VPN for power users. Just $20 to cover three devices for a year, run a McAfee scan at least once every couple of months to keep your system’s gears

McAfee carefully straddles the line of user experience, effectiveness, price, and optimization. There’s an

I’d wager the number is much lower than 0.1%. ;)

You’re operating under the assumption that this issue has anything to do with real problems? Oh sweet summer child...

If you have a nasal cannula you can still wear a mask I think. But I take your point.

A good metric is, if you can yell at a clerk about having to wear a mask, you can definitely wear a mask.

I find the whole “medical exemptions to mask wearing” thing over the top. I never even knew that was a thing until I saw it mentioned in US news outlets.