
No word on what Gad does next for Reunited Apart

Masks will stop most particles carrying the virus from spreading beyond the mask. Add in distancing and those particles that do escape will have a hard time reaching other people. The mask helps there too by acting as a barrier that slows down exhaled air.

It should be. ;)


Am I the only one who barely got through TSMD? I found it pretty tedious.

Those were the two best ones so far! (Out of four.) ;)


Now playing

The end of the delightful Lord of the Rings episode of Reunited Apart teased Ghostbusters as the next episode. Colour me excited!

I laughed so hard at that.

Couldn’t stop smiling for the entire time.

I get that. He did come off as very earnest, but that fit the character I think. The ultimate boy scout or something. :)

I’d give it a go. The show got way better after season 1.

That was intense. And intensely true.

Leeloo Multipass!

Admit it. You’ve already laughed. ;)

Which airlines are these? We’ve been performing extra cleaning for months, and recently implemented mandatory masks for passengers. Either way, almost all passengers haven been masked for months anyway.

Temperature checking is only one part of the protective measures. It doesn’t work on its own. Extensive testing and contact tracing are key.

Not in North America.  In East Asia mask wearing is near universal at this point. And mandated on many, if not most, airlines.

In Hong Kong for the past months, unless you stay at home all day you’ll have your temperature taken a few times at least.

Being hot, sweaty and out of breath does not give you a fever. Your indicated temperature may increase but not so much as to indicate a fever.
