
Indeed. More pricey to purchase but will save you lots of money and hassle in the long run.

Indeed. More pricey to purchase but will save you lots of money and hassle in the long run.

After owning one for many years, I’m never giving up on a fully automatic coffee machine. They are rather pricey to purchase new, but worth it in the long run given the relatively low price per shot. I did the maths some time ago, and even with relatively pricey coffee beans it is less than half per shot compared to a

After owning one for many years, I’m never giving up on a fully automatic coffee machine. They are rather pricey to

Weirdly, I never could get into Wellington Paranormal. While it does make me laugh a bit, I can’t seem to make myself care for the characters. Just a bit too deadpan for I guess.

For what it’s worth, that sort of guideline is in place at airlines here in East Asia as well.

Ah I see. I suppose one advantage of having the Roku as a standalone device, in this case plugged into the receiver, is you don’t have to reset the entire TV or whatever if you’re having issues.

I have a Hub-based Logitech Harmony* and it works fine with the Roku Streaming Stick +. I suspect it just uses WiFi though. It sometimes doesn’t feel quite as responsive when controlling the Roku as an IR or RF remote, but in most cases the difference is not really noticeable.

“Asians” is a bit generic. While slight bows are used in some places, greetings vary widely depending on country/culture. :)

Came to say this. :)

I think I’m just getting to be an old grumpy codger now. “Back in my day we had 5 channels AND WE LIKED IT!”

Great tip, thx! That looks like a very nice unit. When my Onkyo dies I’ll definitely look into Anthem. It seems rather pricey here in HK but it isn’t like you replace your receiver every other year.

Ouch. I feel you. I never liked being tech support for the family. It creates tension. :)

Agreed completely. It’s the nature of the beast, I suppose. “Better” features on higher end sets sell?

Yeah I can see that. Use case difference.

Fair play about the NUC price. I guess it depends on what you are building.

You’re giving me flashbacks. Working IT support, many of our cases fell into the “doesn’t want to learn it” category.

I beg to differ. IMHO the Roku UX is minimalistic and easy to use.

Intel NUC is a great PC form factor if you want small and quiet. Plus they’re cute so wife approval is easier. :)

The disadvantage of a Chromecast is the lack of remote. I find that controlling stuff via casting from a phone or tablet is tedious. Really like ROKU, though.

Adding to this, if your ancient Roku loses a feature that you like due to obsolescence, buying a new one is a rather small investment. If your Smart TV loses that same feature, on the other hand....

I had a small PC hooked up to the TV for years. And it was fine. But keyboard and mouse, even for a geek like me, were not the way to go.