
I don’t think so unfortunately.

And what an episode it was!

I can’t speak for the flight of steps you saw, but in northern Europe many staircases have these flat sections. However they are really meant for strollers (prams, pushchairs) and bicycles, not wheelchairs.

The female protagonist speaking Norwegian with (as far as I can tell) an Icelandic accent is a nice touch. Icelandic is not that far removed from Old Norse, which was the regional language during the Viking era.

Thx for bringing back memories of WordPerfect. I too suffered for years. Then the university bought machines running Windows 3.1 and Word. This was the way! All my carefully hoarded WP knowledge disappeared out of my brain within minutes.

In most cases, cut can be reversed with “undo”, so not a big issue IMHO.

Just guessing from the footage, but it doesn’t look like he was “pulling” very hard. 1.5G maybe. A bit more when he entered the loop.

That thing was pretty good back in its day, but the Microsoft Surface Ergonomic Keyboard or the Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic Keyboard are way better. Both have lovely feel plus durability. The downside of the Surface is that it doesn’t come with a shelf for wrist support, but you can make your own pretty easily.

Personal opinion: Children are always exposed to swearing. As parents, we would be ill advised to make swearing taboo, because any subject made taboo by parents just means kids become more interested. We can teach kids when and where it is appropriate to swear (which might include any conversation with family). That

Oops. Thanks for the correction!

True, but it doesn’t quite roll off the tongue, does it? ;)

There are absolutely supply chain and storage challenges. However even without refrigeration, things could be made much more sanitary than your typical Mainland China wet market. Proper washing, segregation of waste products, and so forth would make a massive difference. Even such simple measures as educating vendors

There is even a specific homage to The Great Dictator in the film. When Waititi/Hitler kicks the chair as he walks out of the kitchen in a huff, he uses the same movement as when Chaplin/Hitler kicks the globe up in the air during the dance scene.

There is no official “shorthand name” yet. Current WHO best practice is to avoid geographical or ethnic naming due to negative connotations.

Yes, SARS is a coronavirus. And most common colds are caused by coronaviruses.

That stuff is all rumour at this point. No reputable news organisation has reported it.

It isn’t so much the bat (or other) stew per se, as the lack of proper sanitation and food safety measures in live animal markets open to the public, making it far too easy for pathogens to jump from animal to human.

No, I’m Spartacus!

It’s a pretty global phenomenon. In HK, masks have been hard to find for weeks, with long lines at shops where supplies are expected, and jacked prices.