

Your comments about Crichton are on point.

Good points. Thanks.

There are body bags on commercial airliners. Presumably there are body bags on the space station. And they probably have some sort of freezer.

I doubt that. The body would just become another bit of orbital debris. Unless you plonked the body in a Progress capsule scheduled to burn up in the atmosphere.

Sorry I was unclear. I didn’t mean gate agents and cabin crew can’t upgrade you. I just meant they can’t do it on their own initiative, so to speak. They have to do it in accordance with company policy.

This is really a North American thing. In most of the world, upgrades for high-tier loyalty members only happen if the lower class is oversold and seats need to be freed up.

BTW North American “first class” is known in the rest of the world as “regional business” or something similar. First class products for airlines

The days of FAs and gate attendants giving upgrades “as a courtesy” are long gone. Because of past abuse, it is a serious rule breach at my airline. There are strict rules for who, when and how upgrades are given. Many booking systems do it automatically.

Airlines already do this. Most airlines will upgrade higher-tier loyalty members in order of loyalty rank, but only if the lower class is oversold and they have to free up seats there. Some carriers, mainly in North America, will upgrade higher-tier members even if the lower class is not oversold.

I was all for the funny scene at the beginning of the episode but did those troopers have to keep hitting Baby Yoda? Each time they hit him, I felt like I was being hit. What jerks.

Yeah. That was... unnecessary. But in some ways perhaps also a bit Taika-esque.

Now playing

Caught the name Sonya Belousova in the credits.

All three rovers will be launched in late July and early August to take advantage of a three-week launch window known as the Hohmann transfer orbit, in which Mars and Earth are optimally aligned in their respective orbits. All rovers are expected to arrive at Mars in 2021.

If you’re into space history, it’s a great watch. I’m enjoying it a lot. They’ve gone to great lengths to show what it would have been like in the 70s, with period tech. Lots of small CRT screens, large electronics and analogue equipment. Not to mention the fashions of the time!

That bothered me a bit too. But I think it is forgivable considering just how difficult spacesuits are in general, and on the Moon’s surface in particular. Lots of infrastructure needed for cleaning and care, and Jamestown Base just isn’t that big.

I was just letting the credits run, so I was lucky to catch that bit! That being said, the use of “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” as music for the credits was tickling my spidey sense about something. It is such a very 80s song...

Curved monitors make much more sense since you’re sitting close enough that it actually makes a difference to the viewing experience.

Looks very nice.

Yes. However many, if not most, major airport surfaces are not asphalt. They are typically some sort of reinforced concrete. Much more durable and stronger.