
This is true.

Fair point. :)

Mr. Clarke, is that you?

Aircraft are maintained not only on the basis of total time, but also on the basis of cycles, flight hours and condition. If the nature of the operation means more maintenance is required, more maintenance is done. Which is why a 737 doing Hawaiian island hops needs more maintenance than one flying around the southern

Passenger Jack Leonard told ABC 11, “We heard and felt everything... It was extremely terrifying to be honest. Once it went, you had no doubt that it was major trouble and then seconds later smoke started filling the cabin in the back. You could smell it. It smelled like burning metal and the cabin started to

It did not “almost blow up”. They had a contained engine failure. As these things go, it isn’t anywhere near “we’re all going to die...”

To be fair, accidents due to mechanical causes typically don’t repeat themselves. Once the investigators have figured out what happened, the authorities change procedures in order to prevent a repeat.

As long as it fills you with a spark of joy, you keep that thing. It isn’t hoarding if you appreciate all those items.

IMHO, one important thing to realise is that a collection of stuff such as pop culture items is a sunk cost. You’ll never recoup the “investment”. If and when you try to dispose of some or all of it, you won’t come close to what you paid. Items that are worth one thing to you, emotionally, are not worth the same to


Agreed. Storage units are silly, because if your stuff is in storage, you don’t actually need it.

Sure, but that’s more of a professional thing, as in work. So conceptually different.

Don’t take this the wrong way but... you have too much stuff. ;)

I like this expression, “micro talks”. Our strategy, not that we ever sat down and formally formulated one, was always to answer honestly, but in an age-appropriate manner. And not to make a big deal of it.

Ready Player One the novel was packed to the brim with references and the plot itself depended on the references. It would have been impossible not to pack the movie with them.

Must have watched that movie a dozen times on VHS. Teenage me was extremely fond of it.

And more power to you.

That depends on the looseness of the shorts. I live in the tropics. Going commando is pretty much the only way to survive summer.

To paraphrase my ex, “panties end up there [in the crack] anyway so I might as well wear shortcut the process.”

  • Know where you are. If you’re in a loud night club with people hanging over the bar desperate to attract the attention of the bartender, keep it simple. Whisky and soda. Gin and tonic. Rum and coke. Beer. White wine. Red wine. Let’s be honest. You’re not there to get a nice cocktail and drink it in a leisurely fashion