
Gunfire and crazy moose. That brings back memories. There’s a big military exercise area on the Swedish island of Utö. Before our first outing there we were told to stay away from any moose we see because they’ve gone a little nuts what with all the tank gun, howitzer and small arms fire over several decades. Plus all

Who hurt you...?

They do. It was a matter of parts being prepped on time.

From what I can tell, a train makes more sense than an airplane only in some very specific circumstances: if you’re a broke last-minute traveler, or perhaps an easily-distracted writer, or an air-travel phobiac, or someone who fetishizes a general and vague sense of grimy utility, then maybe, just maybe, the train

You are correct. The 31000 square meter “Kowloon Walled City Park” was built. Very nice indeed, even though it doesn’t feel nearly as full of “nature” as Hyde Park or Central Park.

While parts of Kowloon are definitely pretty astounding like that, about two thirds of the territory is national park, so we have massive swathes of greenery as well.

1. It’s vaguely historically inspired fantasy, not historical fiction.
2. European Middle Ages are not representative of the entire planet.

True, but then to be fair, many game designers already do that.

Word. I fly the plane and I’m not nearly as terrified of surfaces on the aircraft as many passengers. Yes, you can get sick, but on the whole aircraft are no dirtier than buses, taxis, trains... “Transmission” is not the same as becoming sick. I’m not saying you can lick tray tables with impunity (please don’t) but I

How did Nhan recover from passing out? All of a sudden she’s present again, albeit having breathing difficulties. When she passed out it seemed she was asphyxiating.

Word. There’s no need to go “full pilot’s license” but no test at all just seems... unwise.

Doesn’t it stop at drive if you’ve let go of the release button before reaching the D position? I thought that was the default for all automatic shifters.


We’re not “overdue”. That’s not how probability and statistics work. The probability of a large impact doesn’t increase because there hasn’t been one in an unusually long time. Same as the probability of a certain lotto number coming up doesn’t increase because it hasn’t come up in a long time.

As something of an aerosexual, I heart this... Loving the spaciousness.

All true. But it works the same in the other direction, as in very similar to the US ESTA system. I don’t need a visa to enter the US, but I need an ESTA pre-approval.

Leland is not clever enough by half to handle Georgiou. What’s worse, they both know it. She’s got him by the short and curlies and he walked right into it.

Lynch’s Maria is a perfect compliment to Larson’s Danvers.

Thanks for clarifying.