
Dark Matter was cancelled because it was a interesting concept that was executed as boring drek on top of a half season of filler.

3 seasons.

Tiny, tiny hands... ;)

Tiny, tiny hands... ;)

The journey could take as long as three hours or more, so stage tanks will be positioned every 80 to 160 feet (25 to 50) meters in case oxygen levels start to run low and tanks need to be replaced. The boys will not be expected to carry their own oxygen tanks, instead relying on tanks carried by their rescuer.

Summer is Destroyermen Time, because some series still haven’t lost steam (heh) after a dozen books.

XKCD correctly predicted this years ago...

Simple solution: Bidet.

Me three...

and was disgusted by the pollution he saw spewing from the aircraft.

Just answer the questions honestly. There’s no need to elaborate or get all detailed, but your kids will remember if you withheld the truth...

As a non-American who has lived in the US for many years, the shock-horror-fascination that most American parents seem to have with their children and sex is baffling to me.

It’s not about sexualising kids. It’s about teaching them about their bodies.

Children typically travel as “unaccompanied minors” at no extra charge.

That’s only because more people travel on the average airliner than in the average car.

Karl Strand

If you eat normally the day before, your body will have plenty of energy reserve unless you’re running more than a half marathon in the morning. Glycogen reserves don’t start to deplete until about 90 minutes into exercise.

I’ll chime in with the vitamins and minerals. I can last all day without food*, exercise or not, but especially when it is warm I have to be careful about nutrients such as magnesium. Maybe try some zero-calorie electrolyte tablets. I often dissolve one in my workout water bottle.

The design is driven by function. Phallic designs are the best compromise between carrying capacity, structural considerations, and aerodynamics.