
If you fly a lot, upgrade that ziploc bag to something a bit more...proper. I use one of these.

the back of a Klingon’s forehead

And thus the reading list extendeth...

I used to love Ben Bova. Now I can’t manage to finish one of his books.

It’s a danger for other successful creative people too. There are numerous successful authors that saw their books get thicker and thicker and thicker as they grew more powerful and were less likely to listen to editors. The books suffered greatly from it.

Don’t believe it? Just ask the pilot of Valujet Flight 592.

Drinking game: Take a shot every time you recognize a character or item or location.

Ask a pilot what he’s worried about and the number one thing on his list is probably “cargo fire”. We’re not worried an engine failure. We can deal with those. A cargo fire is scary stuff. Yes, we have extinguisher bottles but since we can’t get to the cargo hold, and certainly not inside an individual container,

The advantage of transporting the battery in the cabin is that a battery fire in the cabin is relatively easily controllable. We carry fire socks on board. These are fireproof bags to put lithium batteries in. Cool the battery with water, then put it in the fire sock. Put the fire sock in a lavatory. Not a huge deal.

I wonder what would happen if you dusted off the Shuttle concept, and let it be run with the fierce, driven competitiveness Space X has exhibited.

After trying a multitude, I’ve found these two Lifetrons product the best travel adapters so far. They’re not cheap, but they last. You can also find cheaper clones that I suspect are the same facility in China making them for a different brand.


Word. The trackpoint has many advantages, two of which are not having to move your hand and... precision!

The quality of the colours makes a huge difference. I have some yellow in one of my tattoos. It faded within a few years. I had it filled in again and the artist said yellow colours have come a long way. It hasn’t faded in many years.

I worked customer support at a small headphone company. A significant portion of the cases I fielded had to do with ear wax. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure...

I hate when airlines do that. Flew on South African a while ago and they rattled out every meal choice in every class over the PA. It went on and on and on and I’m guessing no one was listening anyway.

You can practice sleeping on planes. Plan your drink and food intake. Plane your screen time. Learn to relax.

Blood sugar spikes the way you describe them have been thoroughly disproved. And insulin mechanism you describe actually works the opposite way. If you eat less often, insulin resistance decreases, which aids in weight loss and decreases the risk of diabetes type II.

I concur. If you’ve spent your life eating fast carbs you’re always hungry. Most days I only have one meal. I’ve spent days without eating. After a few days the body adapts.