
I also at one point, thought an electromagnetic rail was a viable solution. I didn’t realise the scale required. You need a Launch Loop and as guinessfanatic points out you’re almost building a space elevator. The scale is immense.

Your dog sounds like he had great character. Love big dogs with big hearts.

Great result!

It should work with most dogs. Just give it time.

Folding wings or not, the aircraft still has to handle the standard structural limit requirements.

Yes and no. Custom ringtones for wife, kids and work are important. :)

I’ve had all of those, as well as Hawaii Five-O.

It depends on the drone. The Martian atmosphere is about 600 pascals at “sea level”. That’s less about 0.6 % of Earth’s atmospheric pressure at sea level. Certainly flyable in theory, but you’d have to scale up any aerofoil and fan to compensate. Aerostats might be the much easier option.

Majority Rule was heavy handed in its message, but given the message I’m willing to give it a pass. The satire hit very close to home given the current state of society.

Fun fact: Aimee Mullins, who plays Terry Ives, is a double amputee, paralympian and public speaker.

Not saying the science is irrefutable or anything, but there is plenty of science out there. For starters, blood sugar swings have been widely debunked. There’s also evidence to suggest that type 2 diabetes can be combated by fasting since fasting decreases insulin resistance.

Your body signals that it is hungry (by secreting ghrelin) based on eating patterns. If you stop eating breakfast, after a few days your body will stop signaling that it is hungry at that time.

The majority of zombie stories are completely unrealistic. Once the initial wave is over, and assuming humans are still around, zombies become a logistical problem. Zombie behaviour is predictable. It’s not like they adapt their tactics. Humans can adapt though. Funneling attackers with walls and fences, as well as

Fix Kinja with Kinjamprove. Accept no substitute.

Pretty indeed. Sadly the Bristol 188 programme was something of a failure. It was designed to investigate kinetic heating at high speeds but it lacked the necessary thrust, stability or endurance to maintain the requisite speeds.

Speaking of rarities, that is the rear end of a Bristol 188, AKA “The Flaming Pencil”.

Word. Try being an airline pilot and watching stuff that features planes prominently. Movies like Air Force One give me hives...

Not a car but I feel compelled to mention this lovely bottle of fake Stoli masterfully wielded by conspiracist Murray Bauman. The label is visible very briefly in episode 6. 

Pilots do this kind of thing every day. That’s why we have instruments and published approach procedures.