
Absolutely a major screw up. Might have damaged the landing gear. Pilot probably took the controls from the autoland at touchdown and applied incorrect crosswind correction then over corrected back towards centerline. Planes are still flying on the runway as long as there is airflow over the control surfaces.

That was a terrible landing on the part of the pilot. Either the demonstrated crosswind component was exceeded (a no-no) or his/her technique sucks. Crab down to the runway, kick out the crab, bank upwind and touch down with zero drift on the upwind gear first. All I saw was a shitty crab all the way down. And yes,

Agreed. And while you’re waiting, check out The Forever War graphic novel. Excellent stuff that captures the original very well. It’s on Comixology.

Understood. I’ll remain blindly optimistic until I have read it. :)

Ummm. The book isn’t even out yet. How do you know it is crap?

They got the chains at Hardhome Depot, obviously... (Yes I stole that joke.)

It really depends on the port. At some places the water is cleaner than others, and if you fly a lot you learn which are better. Of course it all goes in the same tanks, but the tanks are drained periodically.

oxygen-thin air

Fair dinkum, but the amount of lift required is the same regardless of means of propulsion.

Sides Terry Pratchet’s analysis of dragons in general should apply: it’s just wrong anything that big can fly to begin with!

The problem is not the White Walkers. It is that the chain should be shown taut, not slack. If it is slack you’re not really pulling anything but the weight of the chain.

Fair dinkum.

As mentioned it is from Zombieland. An unexpectedly fantastic little film.

Michelle Yeoh is a treasure. Superb in these two episodes. Even just her sublime control of body language and facial expressions was worth the price of admission. She really sold the “confident captain who can banter when needed and give orders when needed” persona. I positively giggled at the “make a note in the log”

Lots of passengers poke the screen rather brutally. To make matters worse, many IFE screens seem set to low sensitivity.

People of Earth...

This. People seem obsessed with doing everything with the mouse. Then they ask me how I can be such a “wizard” on my machine.

After 430+ hours of Kerbal Space Program, I am acutely aware of this. Flying rockets is in many ways like balancing a pool cue on your hand, while holding that hand out the window of a moving car.