
It’s not exactly Merchant & Ivory. The story is gossamer thin at best, but I enjoyed it, as did my kids. It is a grand spectacle. The theme of relationships, belonging and loyalty works well.

Well put.

Don’t see nothing wrong with the design. I think most mission communications are like that (Walkie talkie like). You wouldn’t want everyone to hear you breathe,sneeze,cough or...fart.

In Windows you can launch the command line by typing “cmd” into the search box on the taskbar and hitting Enter, but for some of these commands you need administrator privileges. To get those, launch Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc), then choose File and Run new task. Enter “cmd” in the box, tick the admin privileges

If youtube disappears, civilization will collapse.

Rule 34...

I can’t speak for the majority of the Correia fans but I’m fairly certain that if I started discussing gun politics, socialised medicine and other hot topics we wouldn’t agree on a lot. ;)

I don’t read Monster Hunters because of the political leanings of the author. I am well aware that Correia seems quite right wing (not to mention John Ringo). But I can still enjoy the books despite not agreeing with the politics.

Good, hard core military sci fi is getting pretty hard to find these days, some of this fills in the gaps.

This has been standard all over Europe for many years. And on my last trip to Asia I think it was the same there too.

Had a custom TV stand made to solve this exact problem. :)

Larry Correia’s “Monster Hunter International” is “silly fun”. Entertaining reads; just don’t expect Isaac Asimov. :)

I tried to watch V a few times. Always fell asleep half way...

Imagine if there were 100 distilleries in Wales.

Mid-week in Fall except Thanksgiving.

They’re tricky. We should count ourselves lucky that (most) Whisky doesn’t come from Wales... ;)

Love the article, but the nitpicker in me feels compelled to point out that you spelled Glenlivet wrong.

She’ll make a man out of Ralph?