
Except that’s not how kids work.

Agree. We shall know soon!

For me it is a guilty pleasure. Great literature it is not, but it is a fantastic and engaging story.

The reason they were obsessed with the 80s is explained in the very beginning. It is due to the challenge.

A basic precaution would have been to fix the pedestals to the floor. Or even put weights in the bases...

It looks a bit like Giada, but not sure.

Like so...

I have now learned that the Renault 5 was known as Renault LeCar in the US. “The more you know?”

I don’t see any NOTAMs showing it out of service. But could have been at the time.

You don’t ignore the ILS on a visual approach. You just don’t use it as a primary reference.

He should also have been using the ILS as a reference, even if it was a visual approach. Not mandatory but good airmanship.

Funny. However it was 28R, prononced “two-eight right”...

Buzz Aldrin on the Moon. Photo: Nasa

Other Space was a gem.

Counterpoint: In the age of blogs, microblogs, instant messaging and rumours moving around the globe at the speed of light, having control of the narrative around the “actual narrative” is important. GoT lives on “OMG!” moments. Having them potentially spoiled because of a seemingly inoccent tweet undermines the work

The Voyage’s screen is indeed only marginally better than the Paperwhite, but more importantly it is smaller in all dimensions, including noticeable thinner, and 25 grams lighter. That may not sound like a massive amount of grams but it makes a disproportionate difference.

The Voyage’s screen is indeed only marginally better than the Paperwhite, but more importantly it is smaller in all

Don’t get me wrong.

The statement says “could”. Pretty vague if you ask me. Especially if you look at the systems involved.

Correct. They are not openable. If they were easy to open during the cruise, don’t you think we’d have staff guarding them at all times?