
Religion aside, don’t you think some being is responsible for all this though?

How can someone watch this video of sizes of things so beyond crazy small to crazy big and think ALL this just happened to from a big bang? An explosion caused all this stuff?

IMHO, he doesn’t sound (East) Asian at all. More like a Slavic accent to my ears..

Almost definitely not a Hongkonger.

I didn’t get an (East) Asian vibe at all.

As a native English speaker who occasionally tries to write in a non-native language, I can attest that doing it well is so close to impossible that my best advice is just don’t do it. Write your script — well-edited and carefully formulated — in your native language, then hire a good translator to translate it. This

Does it resolve with him getting some sort of new groove?

It has been ten years since I moved to a territory without daylight saving time. Can’t say I miss it.

And now I’ve been reading about penny-farthings and velocipedes for an hour...

Those are not gauntlets. They are vambraces.

“Sadly” the likelyhood of the bird being roasted is rather low, since most of the frontal area leads to the bypass duct.

The JTD-8 is still there in spirit, or at least in the song of the APU. Man, those things drown everything else out.

It is a bit weird but it is true. You really can’t hear the engines on the ramp.

Given the amount of time and manpower US airbases spend on FOD patrols, the Russian solution seems pretty clever. There are arguments both ways.

Dead pixels are normally there when you buy the product, so extending the warranty wouldn’t help. (Assuming your dead pixel issue is covered by warranty at all.)

That is an interesting way of looking at it, and certainly has merit.

Typical Sony. They seem to want so badly to be Apple, but they keep forgetting they’re not Apple.

Fair dinkum. I stand “corrected”. :)

You’re mixing genders. It is either “Der Astronaut” or “Die Astronautin”.