
Fair point about memoirs being written by pilots. I hadn’t thought about that.

I disagree. Aviation and space flight are very closely related. I’d say space flight is normal aviation cranked to 11.

Your criticism is most definitely warranted. While I loved the book, on some level I was a bit annoyed by the sheer snobbish nature of the presentation.

The whole “autonomous features unexpectedly get turned off” thing in aviation plays well in the press, but in reality 99.999% of such incidents stem from the pilots not properly using and/or understanding the automation.

I know you jest, but an automotive autopilot has to deal with challenges that are completely absent in aerospace, most significantly other vehicles and pedestrians. Which is why planes have had autopilots since the 30s and cars... haven’t...

New Moon ended on a massive cliffhanger and this sequel is being released half a year later than the original publication date. Thanks, Ian MdDonald, you sadist... ;)

Also, a young Don Johnson...

Thanks. Now I sprayed tea all over the monitor and laughed so hard I have cramps.

As a pilot, I agree with this assessment. :)

Pffft. Not all children. My daughter has liked her steaks rare since she was old enough to eat steaks, which was probably around the age of two. Like a civilized person.

A little bit. However looking sideways isn’t very helpful. Looking where you are going seems to be better for most.

More importantly, it allows cooling of the vehicle mid-entry.

The Space Shuttle as a concept was fine. The execution was flawed.

Back in the day when these first came out I used to use my dozen or so figures as targets for my Japanimation robot’s plastic projectile launchers. I have vivid memories of lining them up below the window of my room, like a troop of rebels waiting to be executed. Leia’s head had come off, but not because of the robot.

It is for visual contact. They can signal us via various standard maneuvers (pulling up, to the side, etc...) as well as radio.

My pilot logbook is OCD even by the standards of an OCD profession. Logging OOOI (Out, Off, On, Out) times for a flight is easy since the plane keeps track of it, but most people approximate to the closest tenth of an hour. I log it to the minute and I also log time in a control seat (night or day flying) to the

I’ll soon have to travel regularly to the US for work again. Non-smart burner phone it is. “Absolutely, Sir. Her you go. Knock yourself out.”

Did some checking with Japanese friends. Apparently Kizushi and Shimesaba are different fish marinated with salt. These can be eaten as sashimi or combined with rice to make sushi.

Interesting! Thanks for the link.

Happy to be proven wrong but I’ve never heard of it nor seen it nor am I able to find it on the web.