
That would only play into their hands, as they’d have “proof” that Americans are uncouth.

Yes and no. Publicly their feelings seem hurt all the time. In reality any such statements are mainly for domestic consumption and carefully thought through.

On the one hand, you are quite right. My dad used to say in the seventies that China would rival the US and the Soviet Union. Didn’t happen then either.

My $0.02. In this kind of event, any such “confusion” is planned, especially by the Mainland Chinese.

Generalizing, but but in my experience this is indeed no longer true in Mainland Chinese society.

Sully is not wrong. Forced landing and crash are not the same thing.

Knee pushups are a good beginner option, but they can be harder to have good form in because you tend to bend the body at the hips. Still, a good option.

I watched the first 5-6 episodes, then gave up.

My favourite so far!

Really hard to tell.

And don’t forget the standard answer in your new job - ‘Have you tried restarting?’

I’ve seen the same. In the defense of the less IT-literate, though, the concept of network vs local, and in particular differences in backup policies and functionality, is lost on 99.9% of the population.

I gave up after season 2, so I take your point.

That’s a fair point, but...

My wife is the same. She looooves the heat. Then again she can wear a flimsy summer dress, while if I did the same I might attract some strange looks as I don’t shave my legs.

I’m not tired of zombies. I’m tired of crap zombies. Just like I’m tired of crap superheroes but have no problem with the fun superheroes.

Having lived in a hot and humid climate the past decade, I guess I’ll say “different strokes” and all that. I love cool and dry.

Marriage is full of compromises. :)
