
Still—despite that heavy cloud of dust it kicked up at touchdown—the capsule appeared intact at the end.


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CGPGrey has an excellent video on the subject.

The Saturn V rocket was a marvel of engineering.

I googled it for you. ;)

Worked in IT for 20 years. Cannot watch shows like that. Shudder...


As you say in modern jet airliners, most sound in the cabin is aerodynamic noise, which is very “white” so it manages to dull a lot of other noises. If you’re behind the wing you also get some engine noise.

I think being an professional/expert in a field makes most movies featuring that field something of an ordeal. ;)

Killjoys I enjoy, but it needs to make its mind up whether to become a “adventure of the week” show or delve deeper into the mythology and arc stuff. I can be patient. Shows like Buffy didn’t really hit their stride until season 2.

I think SG-1 succeeded in living past 5-6 seasons because it changed dramatically during its run. While the basic premise remained the same, season 1 felt very different from season 5 which felt very different from season 10).

I’ll just leave this here.

Shows that have a more or less detailed overarching storyline in place before they start (The Expanse, GoT, B5) seem to have more staying power. Probably because the writers aren’t going “what now?” after 4-5 seasons.

All the stars.

Kerosene and other petroleum based fuels have a long history in rocketry. While they are less efficient than hydrogen, they are way easier to store and handle, and I think also cheaper.

As mentioned by several already, it is the turbopump exhaust. (It’s not water. cooling water comes from a system in the pad itself. It is not part of the engine like this nozzle.)



Because using “CleganeBowl” as an episode title is too meta?