
He testified as himself, not as a NASA representative. Therefore he should not be a spokesperson for NASA. If the subcommittee wanted NASA’s opinion, they should have called someone from NASA.

One does not exclude the other.

I know that feeling. However after a few months the pendulum swings and you just get used to it. Nowadays when I go to sparsely populated places it sometimes feels pretty weird. Like there’s no one around.

HK is expensive relatively speaking, but you can live pretty cheaply here if you rent outside Northern HK Island and get your food from the markets.

That is probably one aspect of it. Another is that a new name ensures Amazon’s ordering and marketing algorithms aren’t affected by earlier history.

Which begs the question... with billions and billions of heat sources...why is space cold at all?

As mentioned by others, this is incorrect.

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As most of the io9 staff is American, our knowledge of Eurovision is very poor.

My bad. I didn’t understand that your post was specifically about that. I thought you were using Oregon to SoCal as an example to illustrate how aircraft are cheaper than trains.

Apples and oranges. Train infrastructure in the US is from the Dark Ages, while the planes are typically quite new. Also, once you get to distances over a couple of hours flight, planes tend to win.

Lift comes from both Bernouilli and Newtonian principles. And if you dig deep it gets pretty complicated. More complicated than pilots really need to know actually. ;)

Typically: A few years of hard study and lots of money spent on flight training.

The joke goes that the first two “retard” are verbs. The third is a noun. ;)

How could it possibly be worse than Lars von Boring Trier?

Turboprops, turbofans, turbojets and turboshafts are not all jet engines. They are all turbine engines. The last bit is the thing that drives stuff. -prop, -fan (though turbofans also use the jet for propulsion), - jet and -shaft.

Aren’t those rockets?

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Not to worry. T’eh Hytraulic Press Chann-el has you covered on paper folding crushing as well.

Turboprops, turbofans, turbojets and turboshafts are all turbine engines. However “jet engine” implies the jet itself is used for propulsion. Turboprops use the prop for propulsion, with the turbine being used to power the prop.