
“C-130 jet”`?!?

Depends on what you’re using to drive the vehicle. ;)

I didn’t actually mind the new JTTCOTE (or the sequel). Yes, it is camp as all get out, but it doesn’t try to be anything else. Much more fun than a movie like The Core, which took itself way too seriously. The world needs more such movies. In fact if The Core had embraced its inherent campiness it would have had a

The B-2 Spirit is probably closer to soaring birds like eagles.

You have to be able to reach them from your seated position in an emergency.

That particular line is “... it could be bunnies...”

Understandable. However unpowered heavier than air flight was decades old by 1894. Basic aerodynamic principles were reasonably well understood, thanks in large part to Otto Lilienthal.

They’re called g-suits. ;) They do help, but nowhere near that much.

Now playing

If any pop song became the Swedish national anthem, it would be Ulf Lundell’s Öppna Landskap, which captures the national mythos very accurately.

Cool connection: Dancing Queen had its first domestic live performance and the Royal Wedding Gala back in 1976.

In a fitting connection which I imagine was well known to the planners, ABBA performed Dancing Queen at the royal wedding gala back in 1976. This was the first live domestic performance of the song.

Heck, people put stuff on used planes all the time. Refurbished is often better than new. ;)

On land is indeed simpler. However geography gets in the way.

... that it’s a demon...

Indeed. There’s a pilot saying which applies to this situation perfectly:

SpaceX rockets seems to go with the smaller engines but more of them philosophy, though.

This was vaguely interesting.

In a helicopter you’re probably more interested in torque. I bet that turbine puts out a lot of torque. Also, it’s rather an old platform.