
This episode had me on the edge of my seat throughout the second half, looking like this every minute or so...

They never seemed like lasers to me. Way to slow. Plasma cannons would be my guess. And yes, those would make a splash.

“The fact that the first movie that came out was essentially Episode IV says everything,” Abrams said. “What George Lucas did in that first movie is unparalleled. And one of the great things he did is he didn’t explain what the ‘dark times’ were. He didn’t explain what the Senate was, exactly. He didn’t explain what

“Transformers: Robots in the Skies!”

“The generic song” in French. ;)

As well you should. However extra layers of redundancy are not a bad thing. Humans are easily distracted and fatigued.

As mentioned by others, WiFi extenders have an annoying tendency to make things worse. The only reliable solutions in my experience:

It may (unsubstantiated hypothesis coming your way) have something to do with the fact that Britain’s has a bazillion regional accents in a small geographical area, and these regional accents are far more varied than anything you find in the US. Brits simply are used to accents in their own language.

That’s not an An-124...

Apples and Oranges. Somewhat. The 747 is much better for “normal” cargo ops. The planform is more efficient. However it does not have the An-124’s capacity for outsize cargo or less well equipped airports.

Flash? Seriously Yahoo Movies?


Also Apollo XIII may have been a mission failure, but the booster did its job. Saturn V itself has never had a failure.

Certainly on shorted distances train makes much more sense. However the US has shown a remarkable lack of political drive towards infrastructure in the past few decades. Compare with Europe and East Asia where HST is commonplace.

Modern turbofans and turboprops are already driven by fans connected to generators. Most of the thrust comes from the fan or prop at the front of the engine, and it is driven by a gas generator type turbine (the core of the engine).