
In a wider sense, the media companies seem not to understand that the Internet actually enables people to instantly find out stuff about stuff they are interested in regardless of physical location.

Sounds like an episode I would watch actually. :)

The man behind the mask, Mr. Wheaton, is also a character that has grown. A geek through and through, he certainly had an interesting experience.

There's probably (and sadly) a difference in how the Japanese occupied China and Korea and how they might have occupied the US. Many Japanese at the time held the US in high regard (and saw the attack on the US as a mistake), while China and Korea were pretty much just there for the conquering and exploiting.

"Hola Better Internet" add-on for Chrome is a must-have.

  1. why send people instead of robots? A: Because exploration and settling are human nature. Because it only takes one asteroid to ruin your whole day. Because in the Expansiverse there is an economic incentive to do so, and later a sociopolitical incentive in escape from an overcrowded Earth.


I wouldn't call him a slob exactly. I see him as the archetypal detective type. Not so far as a slob. Just a bit "meh" about his own appearance and his living quarters.

Well, thanks for trying at least. ;)

I was hoping to post something witty or at least insightful, but all I can think is:

  1. They could be moving towards Naomi. Air resistance would drag the blanket.
Now playing

Radcliffe has shown other evidence of geekishness. And I like that!

This is why New Yorkers (like Hong Kongers) tend to be a bit thinner on average. You have to walk a lot.

They even have little pubes!

I spent many an hour studying (and not a few hours inadvertently napping) in the library of the Stockholm School of Economics. A lovely space. There is a large reading room adjacent but the trick to undisturbed study (and undisturbed napping) was to find the desks tucked away by the windows in the nooks and crannies

Fair dinkum. The problem with discussing stuff with strangers in writing is that irony and such don't travel well. :)

Why not just call them Airplane Paid Eye-Candy

Those you mentioned are "Euro-Fords", though. ;)

Clarkson takes the piss but for the record he loved the Ford GT so much he bought one. (And then he had massive reliability issues with it, but that's another story.)

It varies very much depending on the writers and so on. To give a few examples: