
Love those books, especially the first two.

Yeah, it would be ice to meet Frozone again...

it's fun to think that MI6 keeps conferring the same identity on spies over and over again, and forcing them all to order the same signature drink.

It is known.

If memory serves mainly it freezes evenly and in an uninterrupted fashion without currents or winds. Once you start having "breaks" in the freezing process, you get opacity. So I guess quickly.

I ruthlessly cull among TV shows and watch only a few, and at times of my choosing. Sure, I miss many great ones, but I'd rather do other things with my time.

Found this great website on good running form. Some good tips here.

I am in reasonably good shape and I still get stitches occasionally. Typically when I'm pushing the pace when tired, or when I'm a bit dehydrated. Not missing water necessarily but salts.

Advice #1: Ramp up very very slowly. The tricky bit is when you start feeling in the groove. The temptation will be to ramp up more quickly. Don't do it! That way lies injury.

Going back to the origin of the word, vagina comes from the Latin word for "sheath". Methinks sheath as a descriptor doesn't sound too bad in English either.

Well, inside the bomb bay of a stealth bomber. ;)

The story in The Librarian is barely worthy of the name. It can be said to be a franchise that prides itself on being low-rent in as many aspects as possible. ;)

Now playing

That fits. While I might recommend The Librarian, I would caution that it is hardly Indiana Jones when it comes to production values. More like Diet Indiana Jones...

On a side note:

Seeing as it was only 10 meters, the tow truck was still attached. All it had to do was reverse.

HAHA! Well put!

In that case it is time to invest in onion glasses. Yes, these are a real thing.

Random musings.

84.3 degrees north, 18.5 deg east.

The one played by "Is that Halle Berry?". Yes indeed...