
"... you won't believe what happened next..." ;)

Fair dinkum. However many people in your generation and later grew up still burning with that dream. A previous few of those have both the resources and the vision to still go for it, e.g. Elon Musk and Richard Branson.

Your argument about solving problems here on Earth before exploring space is common but flawed.

Now playing

Whoa there. Metal can be gorgeous and majestic too. I loved the music in this video. You just sound like you dislike metal and hence infer that people who dislike metal have no taste.

YouTube comments cause cancer in lab rats. It is known.

Fair dinkum.

I often feel the same way. But then again if we were born a hundred years in the future we would probably feel the same way. Imagine being born in the 1870s and looking forward. Same feeling.

Goosebumps. Tears at the final shot.

The video dubs Superman's 29 kilometer achievement "the edge of space." Now, as always, I'm the least scientifically inclined member of io9, but it seems to me that pretty smack dab in the middle of the stratosphere, right?

As another foreigner who has lived in the US for quite some time, I have had the exact same impression as you.

I'll chime in with many others here who have cut the cable (back in 2005) and no longer watch anything live. Technology has made it possible for us to watch what we want, when we want. The key attraction of not watching live is that we can structure TV watching around our schedule, not around the networks' schedule.

But not blade tips... ;)

On a side note, beer is a rather calorifically inefficient way to get buzzed. Clear spirits like vodka and gin are way "better". ;)

A slice of lemon goes a long way.

This demonstrates how useful weight management apps like MyFitnessPal are. If you are honest when entering your meals, you learn rapidly how many calories you are actually ingesting. It tends to be a bit of a surprise in the beginning. :)

"Bread and cover". "Pane e coperto" means "bread and cover".

The term in Italy is "pane e coperto". It literally means "table and cover" ("cover" as table setting). So yes, you are being charged a fixed price for the table setting and the "free bread". In HK we the similar "service charge" and it is typically 10%.

In the US, a 10% tip is considered poor and a 20% more or less normal. In Europe 10% is very good. In most of East Asia no tip is normal.

"Pane e coperto" is a more like a service charge than charging for bread. As you say, tipping is at a way lower level than in North America so...

Very happy to be proven wrong if I'm wrong!