
Because they’re actually bespoke. They share absolutely nothing with any commercial craft or conventional warship... everything customized to the purpose of continually crashing into ice without damaging itself (too much).

Paint it grey, give it to the Navy and let them complain. We’ll have $ for 10 new ones in a month.

I’d love to see any of these asswipes go to work with Pneumonia.

I thought this was a post for women? We dudes already know all about this.

I think they’re showing how it all falls apart without women??


You’ve just confirmed what I always suspected - men, just like us. Until I got to the sex part. You all are constantly horny and on the make, aren’t you?

Seriously. I thought Emma’s post last night was about how seriously and thoughtfully the men were taking their posting duties today? And yet we’re getting the same crap we got when AJ ran Jez for a day (at least no one has posted the nude selfies that women sent them... yet).


He’s way more upset that other Catholics aren’t upset by the fucking than he is upset by the fucking.

LOL. I have some weird thoughts.

thank you.

How can someone this stupid understand the complexity of an NFL offense?

Embarrassing but true story, made less so by the fact that I was on much, many pain killers. Keanu and I both had spinal surgeries on the same day. I sent him a note asking if he wanted to neck.

2) 52 year old, long haired Keanu is HOT

Two things: 1) Why is Keanu so worried about aging since he’s obviously a vampire? 2) 52 year old, long haired Keanu is HOT

You ask this with a surprised tone. The answer is yes. He really does think all black people know each other. Also, they all look alike to him, too.

Does... he think all black people know one another?

That’s my favorite Alan Rickman performance. I have nothing else to add.

I agree, but feel strongly that on the toilet selfies are the road to world peace.