
That is not why that information is collected. That information is available to prevent financial corruption. Votes are private and secret to stop the very thing you suggest doing. Using threats and public shaming to control votes is unethical, immoral and dangerous. Doing the same to political supporters is no better.

Here is what makes it dangerous. Taking a list of names (and other information like employer and/or addresses) within a particular ideological group (ie, trump contributors or LGBT contributors) and tweeting it out to a large population who hates that ideological group, captioned with an inflammatory message is what

The FEC (site in this article) includes address of the donor.  So while you may have a right to this information, if you tweet it out to a group that is hostile to the person at that address, you are crossing an ethical line.  

Address is also public information. In fact, address is available in the very site given in this article. Just because it is public, doesn’t mean it isn’t doxing. Unless publicizing addresses is no longer considered doxxing.

Doctors help people. Doctors like money. Doctors are not altruistic. Lack of doctors harms people.

Corect, people shouldn’t be living paycheck to paycheck. Unfortunately a large portion of people are completely shit with money. When those people also don’t make a lot, it will end badly.  But short of taking control over their finances, or magically solving human stupidity, there is no real fix.

How about you allow people to decide for themselves if they are worth it in their particular situation. They also could have had better business sense and made the regulation less restrictive so that they didn’t kill the industry.  

I am against death threats, rape threats, suggestions to kill yourself, doxing, faking screenshots, and many other things. I ALSO believe the dev is an entitled asshole who toxically shit on gamers and deserves to be called out. Because it is not an either or.

I have read the posts from the Devs. One of them, at least, is not a sweet person. They are an entitled asshole who very much owes people things. They have a Patreon making between 2000-7000 per month. You don’t get to take money from Gamers then turn around and shit on them and not expect angry responses. A decent

The devs are lying their ass off in order to turn themselves into victims. I have read hundreds of tweets, and posts. I have not seen a single one with any sort of actual or even implied threat. Unless you consider “I would never buy from this dev” to be a ‘threat’.

I’m sorry my suggestion that the existence of one worse thing doesn’t negate other less-bad things, upsets you so much. Hit a little too close to home, I guess?

One of them is a Puerto Rican Jew.

So? All that means is he lives in an area with a large black population. I mean, if you want to talk about ‘coincidence’, his sister was there (and killed).

There is one major difference. Mass shooters are essentially committing suicide. At best, they get life in prison, but they go into it fully expecting to die.

Just because there are psycho assholes with guns shooting people, doesn’t mean that groups of masked psychos attacking journalists is not also a major threat.

Making personal grooming decisions out of spite is petty, childish and not exactly doing you any favors if you want the ‘old people’ to treat you with more respect.

Thanks.  I have heard that song a hundred times and had no clue they were singing about a town.

Hot Dogs are neither adventurous nor something anyone would describe as Foodie-ish.

Um, you cannot compare the asylum stereotype with other stereotypes. Mental illness has a causal link to violence and such.  Yes, there are plenty of mental ill people who are harmless, but many who are violent BECAUSE of mental illness.  

They had a half-way reasonable statement sandwiched between condescending asshollery and massively flawed arguments. Not to mention jumping on the ‘toxic entitled gamer’ bandwagon. Fuck them.