
I’m pretty sure most of the staff is Trans. Which statistically is a clear sign of obvious discrimination.

At least half the people there look like POC.  

And? She is a politician, not some random person on the street. Body language, facial expressions and opinion all influence how people are perceived at a psychological level. But hey, who needs votes when you can whine about microaggressions.

New Yorkers consider themselves vastly different from anyone in Jersey despite them living only ten minute drive away from NYC. So, try again.

She shows up.

It isn’t about genetic advantage, it is about sex-based advantage. Yes, top athletes have genetic advantages over the rest of the population, but if you didn’t take into account sex-based differences, not a single woman, no matter what genetic advantage she possess, would qualify for any competitive sport that

31 States currently require front license plates, including California, New York and Texas (the 3 most populated states). So yes, cars are most certainly designed for them.

You say it makes it easier for police but I say it makes it marginally worse for criminals. Anything that makes it worse for criminals without giving police power likely to be abused, or becoming a major inconvenience, I am all for.

It isn’t about feelings, it is about SJWs exerting undue control over others. For example, in this case they are banning user created mods. Mods that affect only a person’s personal copy of the game. If you don’t like scantily clad game portraits don’t use them, but to ban them?  That is not about feelings, that is

So in an article about a gamer girl being affected by stereotypes, your goto is to throw out a stereotype about gamers being hot pocket eating basement dwelling dudes? Ah sweet irony.

The only difference is women whine about it more. Women are just as judgemental and superficial towards men, (though are somewhat more tactful about it). Studies of online dating sites have proven that to be true.

This article has too many words written by a man.

Well, idiots like to say ‘racism = prejudice + power’, so by that logic, she cannot be racist.

“You ok?” she texted back two hours later. “You should tweet at the fire department if you’re in danger.”- the daughter

Easy. Your right hand does all the complex motions, while your left arm is just extended towards the target like you would use a real bow. Your left hand isn’t really doing much, so you simply use your left thumb to control a thumbstick or trackpad. This gives you moving/strafing. Turning can be handled by your right

The minimum performance requirements for mainstream VR has a pretty high bar and technology just wasn’t there yet. It is now getting very close. The Valve Index is very close, but we still need one more resolution bump for it to not feel like you are making a tradeoff of immersion for clarity. Prototype displays exist

Motion gaming was always going to be a small niche because all it adds is physicality at the cost of very limited control options, relegating it to dancing games and not much else. 3D movies, on average (some better some worse), only add slightly to immersion at the cost of comfort.

When in doubt, call someone racist/sexist for no reason. It sure beats having to come up with an intelligent retort.

There are not 40 million Americans struggling to get enough food. Step outside of your 1st world privilege bubble. We live in a country with food stamps. People are not starving here, they just complain when the have restrictions on what free food they get. In other countries, people face actual starvation.  

The cop was 100% justified. Did anyone actually watch the video? The cop told the guy to shut off his vehicle, and instead the guy puts it into drive and starts to move. When the cop pulls his gun and orders him stop, the guy tries to grab the cops gun while speeding up. What the hell did he think was going to happen?