‘States rights’ legalized gay marriage long before the federal government.
‘States rights’ legalized gay marriage long before the federal government.
The CNN article authors don’t understand math, statistics or logic. The statistics compared a visit to the Dominican Republic (which averages a week) to living an entire year in the US.
Yes, party 2 was wrong. If the dude was being trash, you call HIM trash, as that would simply be her defending herself. Calling MEN trash, however, escalates it to sexism, which is why she got fired.
Women are not oppressed (in most 1st world countries at least). And most of the people who talk about historical oppression of women weren’t alive at the time. But keep playing the victim and using it as an excuse to justify sexism.
No, the problem is people seem clueless about history and compare current events to Nazi’s and the holocaust in an extremely hyperbolic way. The holocaust involved literal genocide of millions. So unless some future event involves mass genocide, it should not be compared.
“ The only people who don’t feel the overtly evil connotations of the phrase ‘concentration camp’ are merited here are the neo-nazis running them”
Locking up your own citizens in a camp and then murdering them is not remotely comparable to incarcerating people who enter a country illegally.
House prices are solely based upon what people are willing to pay to buy it, and further, higher values means they have to pay more to buy said house, and pay more in property taxes to live in said house.
How is ‘caging humans’ uncivil and racist? Are you suggesting that we abolish prisons because they are uncivil? Don’t break a countries’s laws and then they won’t cage you. Pretty simple concept.
Without NPCs the most you could call it is a FPS with ‘rpg elements’.
Counterpoint. Nobody ‘deserves’ to be credited for doing their job and I find the whole practice odd. Why does my smartphone not come with a list of credits? Did the engineers who designed it not work hard as well? It is all rather arbitrary.
The Beyonce thing only makes clear that Beyonce fans are spiteful little minions who are trying to spin normal social behavior into a slight due to their obsession with an overhyped celebrity.
I can’t think of a louder race bait then accusing someone on the internet of being racist.... because they commented on someone’s grammar.
Except you specifically said “banned from Twitch entirely.” which is where the ‘power’ comes from and where it would be abused.
Should she not find a new job? Does her expressing thoughts some find offensive mean she should be forever unemployed? If you ran the world what would you want to happen? Public stoning?
It is not white entitlement, it is millennial-liberal entitlement. This same thing happens at colleges all the time, and the people doing it are represented by all races and genders. Colleges let it slide, and so they feel emboldened to do it out in the real world.
Excessive how? If he is innocent, then she is guilty of extortion and a few other crimes which could falsely send him to jail for years, so releasing a few photos hardly seems excessive. If he is guilty, then releasing the photos just makes him an asshole as well as a rapist.
There are 320 million people in this country, less than a hundred a year are killed in mass shootings. Statistically, you are just as likely to die from being struck by lightning (54 lightning fatalities per year in US).
“how can we ever move to address the actual problem?”
That is why we invented urinals. When they are available, women become the poorer aimers. I worked in a proper corporate office and HR had to send out an e-mail asking women to stop pissing on the seats. (they worded it a bit more delicately)