I suspect you do actually possess mood altering fluids. I challenge you to go up to random smiling strangers and urinate on them. If their mood does not markedly change, I will be very surprised.
I suspect you do actually possess mood altering fluids. I challenge you to go up to random smiling strangers and urinate on them. If their mood does not markedly change, I will be very surprised.
“men are taught that women are an entitlement they deserve.”
The only thing poor people empathize with is lack of money.
It is just people practicing morality theatre.
No, not objectively correct moral advice. Is investing in a company that does product testing on animals morally wrong if it is a lucrative investment that allows you to fund no-kill animal shelters? A single person deciding not to invest in the product testing company will have zero influence on how many animals are…
Something like 50% of women are pro-life. That would make 1/2 the female population brainwashed, according to you. If that is the case, perhaps we should be focusing on revoking women’s voting rights instead, because having a voting population that weak willed is dangerous.
‘He is a dude so is probably sexist.’
Calling someone a boot-licker for expressing their opinion rather than discussing their points is a jack-booted tactic used to silence dissention. So are you just jealous he is not licking your boots?
Calling it torture is a bit misleading. Are guard dogs also torture? Guard dogs will do far worse to a person than some black paint on a wall. But you know why it isn’t considered torture? Because it is entirely voluntary. If I don’t illegally trespass, the dog won’t harm me at all. The same with a wall. Don’t…
The bible does say murder is wrong, and to pro-lifers, abortion is murder.
Where do you get the idea that contactors are not service employees? Whether you are an employee, contractor or business owner, it doesn’t change how you interface with customers. All are expected to act professionally. Which yes, would include not answering their phone while driving.
Exactly. Nuclear is the only current carbon neutral technology that will work at scale. Wind/Solar only works as supplemental energy because the large scale energy storage to compensate for their unreliable nature just doesn’t exist yet (at scale). That is why I think the people behind GND are more focused on…
GND is a trainwreck. If climate change is the greatest threat to this country, create a plan to address just that and don’t tie it to other politically charged issues, otherwise all you are doing is creating more opposition. Tying climate change policies to socialism is not going to lead to bipartisan support.
Um, middle ground doesn’t mean less effective. Nuclear energy is the ideal choice to combat climate change, its drawbacks are non-climate-change related. Further, AOC is forcing social policies into the climate change bill (Green New Deal) which do not reduce climate change. If climate change is the greatest threat to…
Watch the video, it certainly seems to show her trying to tase him. Just so you know, police tasers have two modes. The darts that fire, and also two prongs mounted on the device that function exactly like the non-police tasers where you simply press it against a person.
Well, considering she tased a cop to avoid being arrested, which is very much a felony, I somehow doubt it was over unpaid tickets.
And the pro-choicers will point out that her being pregnant is completely irrelevant because it is just a fetus and not put it as a clickbait title implying that it somehow makes shooting a human worse, right?
Why does there have to be blame? Maybe they grouped them by subscriber count or some other metric and the race was an incidental coincidence. There may have been no bias unconscious or otherwise. Sure they could be racist assholes, though if that were the case, one might wonder why they would invite a large group of…
‘If you don’t change this law, I am going to stop doing this thing I enjoy with people who likely already have the same political ideology as me’. - Alyssa Milano
Raising a child is NOT the same as a job. Yes, it takes a lot of effort and is a commitment, but it is more like a demanding hobby. People work because they need to pay rent and buy food. People have children because they want to raise children. That makes it a hobby with commitments. The people whinging in this…